Using video for self assessment

What is it?

This is a long established practice in disciplines where practical skills and performances are involved, such as nursing, medicine, dentistry, languages, music and other performing arts. Students record themselves, record each other or lecturers record student performing. This is usually done for formative purposes, in order for students to analyse aspects of their performance and develop an awareness of their strengths and areas for development. However, it can also be applied in various summative contexts.

Why would I use it?

  • It is difficult to assess our own performance in the moment and anxiety and adrenaline make it difficult for us to self-evaluate immediately following a performance/presentation or demonstration. Students can play-back video or audio to analyse aspects of performance and therefore increase the ability to self-evaluate.
  • It increases opportunities for students to analyse their own work and learn from mistakes, which develops confidence and self-regulation. Videos can also be shared amongst peers for a post-performance evaluation
  • If these recordings are shared with the lecturer, it reduces the need for immediate feedback to be given to students during the performance. Videos can be watched the lecturer’s convenience. This aids more meaningful feedback and reduces pressure on staff to mark and grade during intensive situations such as OSCEs
  • If ethical consent is obtained, videos can be used as exemplars or for evaluation for the following cohorts.

Known issues:

  • Some students can experience increased anxiety around video recording. This can be mitigated by offering opportunities for formative practice, where students practice recording each other in small groups.
  • Practice might not be possible in all situations when equipment and resources are required in advance.
  • Students’ permission must be sought, and they must be informed about the future uses of the videos and storage, following Data Protection legislation. This is particularly important with summative assessment.

How has it been used?

Dublin City University provide a case study from Nursing with a video for further details and an example of the assessed videos. 

Brimble (2008) provides a short article about video analysis in pediatrics.

It can also be used in a non-performance-related module to develop self-awareness, for example in delivering presentations. Students can swap dices and record each other. They can be given a small self-analysis to complete following the presentation.

Barry (2012) provides an article about using video for self-assessment of group presentations through Wikis.

Audio recording can be also used in language classes to develop awareness of key errors in grammar and pronunciation.

How can I use video for self-assessment?