Our Summer School Experience

Pre Arrival

March is an exciting time of year for the Summer Programmes Team. Spring has finally come to London and we’re receiving lots of great applications to our Undergraduate Summer School.

And just before we begin welcoming a new cohort of students, we thought we would share with you some thoughts past students have had about studying at the King’s College London Summer School…

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“Getting to go behind-the-scenes at the Museum of London in Curating the City has illuminated the process by which curators tell stories through objects. This study of material culture will enhance the way in which I think about texts as objects to be scrupulously analyzed. My tutor was not only kind and relatable, but also passionate about the subject matter and engaging as an instructor…”
Anna Mukama, Summer School 2015

Untitled design 3“I have been involved with King’s Summer School for the past 3 years, doing courses ranging from History of Medicine to Neuroscience. I daresay that I am a veteran in terms of King’s Summer School, and what really kept me coming back were the impeccably planned lessons and the wide range of experience that the lessons bring for me.” Hsiu Yen, Summer School 2013-2015

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“My experiences at King’s Summer School are certainly ones I will never forget, to say the very least. Coming here, I didn’t have many expectations, but I have learned far more than I could’ve ever imagined. I have learned about London, and the UK as a whole, both in and out of the classroom.”
Samantha Birk, Summer School 2013 


Untitled design 4“When I was accepted to study International Human Rights Law at King’s College London, I was so humbled because it was an opportunity to study at a world-renowned university and in the centre of a global metropolis in a cohort of other like-minded yet diverse people…I am so grateful to have been a part of this incredible experience. Every day of Summer School has, without a doubt, helped me to grow and pushed me to better myself. ”
Jordan Soresi, Summer School 2015

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“I think if there’s one thing that the King’s Undergraduate Summer School has done for me, it’s broadened my perspectives. The various performances, galleries and historical sites we visited on our city walks provided the perfect backdrop for our learning and really helped me understand my course content on a deeper level… The insight and encouragement I’ve gained from my teachers and other students alike have really been invaluable…”
Lauren Reid, Summer School 2015

And this is just a handful of our happy Summer School students. So if you’re looking to have a memorable summer, studying in the heart of London submit your application to our Undergraduate Summer School now.

New Staff Member: Sage Fitzpatrick


Hi everyone, I’m Sage and I’m the new Summer Programmes Officer for the Summer Programmes team.

Spending the summer studying at King’s College London is such an exciting opportunity and is an experience you definitely should be looking forward to. For some of you though it may be the first time you’ve ever travelled abroad and spent an extended time away from home. But don’t worry, I’ve been in your shoes before, so if you have any questions about the summer school, or just general questions about what it is like living in London, please let me know.

As I write the weather in London is being it’s traditionally un-predictable self, but even so I’ve been making the most of the campuses close proximity to Somerset House and central London and spending my lunch breaks exploring. Just a short walk across Waterloo Bridge- which offers stunning views of Big Ben, the London Eye and The Shard, is the Southbank. It has lots of things to see, including the colorful Southbank Skatepark and the Southbank Centre Book Market, which is one of the only outdoor second-hand and book markets in Southern England.

Whilst studying at King’s this summer you’ll use London as a classroom and will get to see the city from an entirely new perspective, which is great fun. And in your spare time you may also want to spend some time visiting some other areas too. I would definitely suggest Brick Lane, which is great for street art, curries and vintage clothing, as well as Camden, which has a number of great markets and lots of interesting places to eat, drink and shop.

If you want to keep up to date with the goings on in London I would recommend checking out the Time Out London website, as well as The Culture Trip. Both can give you some great ideas on things to do and places to visit whilst you are in London.

London really is a great place to live and study and you should all be super excited about the prospect of this. If you haven’t already applied good luck with your applications and for those who already have a confirmed place with us I look forward to meeting you all soon!

Undergraduate Summer School 2016: Applications Now Open


Hi I’m Fahema the Summer Programmes Officer (Admissions) here at King’s. I’m excited to announce that applications are now open for the King’s College London Summer School for 2016.

If you wish to spend an exciting summer in London with us, get applying now. And don’t worry, submitting an application is easy- as long as you follow our guidelines…

General Application– for new applicants who are not studying at King’s or one of its partner institutions.
Application for King’s partners, alumni & current students (Except Liberal Arts students who can download a form off our website)
Application for Ancient Languages modules

We’ve also got a helpful application video, which gives you a step by step guide on how to apply for our summer school.

Our application deadline is 31 May 2016. Please do remember that our modules are allocated on a first come first served basis, so get your application in early to avoid disappointment.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to King’s this summer!

My King’s Summer by Evelyn Chew


I first heard of King’s college summer school through my university’s website and the idea of studying abroad at a well-known academic institution for a couple of weeks led me to apply to King’s. One of the reasons why I chose King’s was because this summer school allows you to select a module of your interest from a variety of different courses without the need to have any prior knowledge or background for it. Coming from an Economics background, I decided to pursue something I am interested in and opted for International Business.

Working on a group project

The lessons were conducted differently from my regular classes back at NUS (National University of Singapore) and it was indeed an eye-opener. The duration of only three weeks resulted in the module being intensive yet intellectually stimulating. Our professors encouraged us to discuss and immerse ourselves in the various case studies to enhance our learning of the concepts. This allowed me to build my confidence in sharing about my viewpoints and to understand others from a different cultural background as well.

We also got a chance to embark on a field trip to the museum of brands to learn more about how branding affect consumer’s taste and preferences.

Outside The Museum of Brands

Apart from being academically enriched, I have also learnt so much about the culturally rich London. King’s college is located at the heart of London and this location could not have been better. As I walked to school every morning, the beautiful view of the London Eye, Big Ben along with the trademark red telephone booths greeted me.

View as I walk to School

With just a couple of stations away from the numerous museums, musical theaters and shopping districts, there is always something to do after school. From having tea to shopping at the huge Primark store located around Oxford circus, I got to experience the London way of life.

Visiting Mayfield Lavender Farm

And if you are a huge football fan, you could pop by the stadiums around London for a stadium tour!

Most of the students on summer school will take the opportunity to travel to places slightly far away from central London over the weekend for sightseeing. In these three weeks, I’ve visited Brighton, Cambridge, Bath and Stonehenge with my summer school friends.


The knowledge that I’ve gained from King’s summer school will be beneficial to my future career and this summer school made me consider King’s and London as a potential place for me to pursue my Masters upon graduation.

In my opinion, this summer school allows you to be both academically challenged and at the same time gives you the flexibility to explore London and what it has to offer. I would highly recommend anyone who wants a fulfilling summer activity to join King’s summer school. Looking back, I can say that it has been the best summer experience so far. I felt that I have grown so much through this three weeks and I can’t wait to be back here at King’s again in the future!


By Evelyn Chew

My Summer School experience: Laura

Last summer I had the opportunity of a lifetime, participating in the second session of the King’s College London Summer School. Living in Central London, engaging in a hands on course, learning more about the UK, and meeting students from all over the world truly made my experience enriching, eye-opening, educational, and fun!

I was afforded the opportunity to participate in the Summer School through the US-UK Fulbright Commission King’s College London Summer Institute. My course of study was “The Olympic City: Global Games, Local Impact,” taught by Jason Luger.

Jason did a fantastic job of making classes engaging, allowing for student participation and interaction as well as frequent trips around London. We not only studied the Olympic impacts in the classroom, but also were able to witness them first hand; we visited venue sites, toured the Olympic bid city of Manchester, and observed key events such as the torch relay.

This successful integration of classroom and hands on study allowed my classmates and me to fully immerse ourselves in and appreciate our studies.


Furthermore, it provided me with a wealth of Olympic related information which I am now utilizing in my current education. As an Industrial Labour Relations major at Cornell University, I am hoping to examine the effect of the Olympics on a host city’s domestic labour market, as part of a course’s final research paper.

Of course, academics were only one portion of what made my experience at King’s so fantastic. Having never been to the UK before, I enjoyed the site-seeing and cultural experiences I was able to participate in. Living in the Stamford Street apartments provided easy access to all the exciting attractions Central London has to offer, such as the London Eye, Parliament, Big Ben, and Piccadilly Circus. However, in addition to participating in touristy activities, spending three weeks in London allowed me to explore the country more thoroughly.

I visited museums and travelled to Oxford, Stonehenge and Windsor and around the less
touristy areas of London. I frequented local markets, tasted new cuisines, and gained a better understanding of the intricacies of European life and culture.

However, studying at King’s not only afforded me an opportunity to experience London life, but also to learn more about the world in general. My classmates hailed from countless different countries in Europe, Asia, and North America, facilitating the rare opportunity of getting to know people from completely different backgrounds and learn about their lives. I left King’s with several new friends from all over the globe, expanding and significantly diversifying my personal network.

In hindsight, I cannot imagine any way I would have preferred to spend my summer. It has now been six months since my trip, and I am left with new friends, a huge knowledge base in my Olympic course of study, a better appreciation for European history and culture, a plan to spend a semester abroad in the UK, and the memories of a lifetime. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my morning walk to class across Waterloo Bridge, and I am eternally grateful to the Fulbright Commission and King’s College London Summer School for enabling me to have the best three weeks of my life!

Fulbright Scholars show their stripes at the London Olympic Games


Our courses: Arts, Literature & Culture


Arts, Literature & Culture courses at King’s College London Summer School

London is known for the arts. From the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, there is no city on earth better than London in which to explore these subjects.



‘King’s is situated right in the middle of everything. I went on the London Eye and really enjoyed my strolls along the Thames.’

~ Morgan MacKenzie Walker, Jane Austen’s England, 2012

King’s College London, centrally located in the heart of London on the Strand, is the ideal place to be based for a summer of study in London. Our Summer School offers over 20 courses in the fields of Arts, Literature and Culture, and since our Summer School began, these subjects have been some of our most popular for visiting Summer School students.

‘I enjoyed learning about the different types of performances there are from Shakespearean to the West End to fringe performance. I also enjoyed the trips we took outside the classroom which really helped me gain a better understand of these types of performances and helped me see the city.’

~ Saxony Nielsen, Theatrical London: Contemporary Performance in the City, 2012

King’s College London has a long-standing reputation of excellence for teaching the arts, and the Summer School continues this excellence, with world class tutors, who are specialized in their fields.

London is the city of Shakespeare. Our course Shakespeare in London explores the Bard’s life in London, from his life-time in the city to his lingering presence felt now on every corner. Take a listen to course tutors Sarah Lewis and Sarah Dustagheer to learn more.

Film studies are always a popular choice for Summer School students. And what better place to study the history of British film then in the city where it was founded? Our course London and Film  offers you the perfect introduction to film studies. Our Summer School alumni Vhairi Motherwell can tell you more.

From Monty Python to Borat, British comedy has always led the way for comedians to push the boundaries. Comic Culture in British TV and Film explores this idea, and uses the resources King’s and London can offer to help students get the most out of their time in the city.

Other courses will take you outside of London to explore the culture of Europe. Listen to Niamh Campbell speak about her course, ‘Literature in the City’, which explores the literature of London, Dublin and Berlin.

‘The field trips we took helped me to better understand the subject matter, explore England, and really enjoy the course. I can thank my tutor for that as well.’

~ Morgan MacKenzie Walker, Jane Austen’s England, 2012

These are just a sample of the many courses that we do. To find out more, please visit our website, drop us an email, or give us a ring!

‘It was a once in a lifetime experience and I wouldn’t trade any part of it.’

~ Morgan MacKenzie Walker, Jane Austen’s England, 2012

Welcome to the King’s Summer School blog!

Welcome to the new King’s Summer School blog. We hope that the blog will be a great place for you to learn more about the Summer School, the courses we offer, and the university that we are part of. We also plan to tell you loads about life in London and how to make the most out of your time here if you decide to study with us this summer.

Each week the blog will have a new post, new tutors telling us more about their courses, Summer School alumni reminiscing on their time in London and King’s, and news and advice directly from the Summer School team. remember you can always find us on our website, Twitter and Facebook.

But why attend a Summer School in the first place? 

Attending a Summer School is a fantastic way to broaden your academic outlook, learn in a new environment and gain credit towards your university study. The Summer School at King’s offers all these things and more, and also gives you the chance to study in a world-leading university in the one of the world’s most dynamic cities. Not only to our Summer School students benefit from learning from leading academics, they also form friendships and contacts for life. Why not listen to Summer School alumni Melissa’s student profile to see why she decided to study with us.

Why should I choose King’s?

The King’s College London Summer School is a high quality and intensive academic programme open to students from around the world. We offer university-level summer courses which use a fresh approach to the study of traditional academic subjects.

Located in the very heart of London, accommodation and classes are next to many of the great cultural, social and entertainment attractions which London  has to offer. We even offer a lively social programme to complement the academic programme with events offered both on and off campus, including boat trips along the Thames, trips to Bath and Oxford, and the Warner Bros. Studio Tour to experience some Harry Potter magic! All this helps our students make the most of their time in London, both academically and culturally.

How can I learn more? 

Well this blog is a great way to start! For information on what courses are scheduled to run this Summer, details on fees, accommodation and our social programme, can all be found on our website. Please note that as we get closer to the summer, more and more details will be confirmed, so make sure to check back regularly! We also have our Facebook and Twitter pages, and if you have a particular question that cannot be answered, please email us at summerschool@kcl.ac.uk.

Until next week!

Summer School team x