Lieke’s summer at King’s

Not knowing what to expect and both nervous and excited, I boarded the train which would take me to London from the Netherlands. Only a few hours later, I arrived in the heart of London. This was the beginning of an amazing and very valuable experience. In the following three weeks, I would experience joy, stress, happiness, sadness, and amazement, and I would feel so grateful for being able to study in such a vibrant city.

During my time in London I met so many different people from all over the world, each with their own story and personality, but they were all such beautiful human beings. I loved discussing the differences between our cultures, and I am thankful for being able to explore London with them. From visiting Greenwich to participating in a pub quiz, joining the Harry Potter walking tour, having dinner at Camden Market, going to Portobello Road Market, and feeling like a typical tourist when posing in front of the Houses of Parliament or on Millennium Bridge, it has all been amazing and I hope to be able to stay in touch with as many of these new friends as possible.

However, making many new friends from all over the world is just one aspect of the King’s College Summer School Programme. The Summer School also helps you to become more independent. A few years ago, I visited London with my family, but this was a totally different experience compared to studying in London for three weeks this summer. When I was visiting London with my family, my parents were usually the ones trying to figure out how to get from one highlight to the other, but when I was studying in London this summer, I had to figure this out all by myself. The first time I had to use the London Underground, I was very confused, but it didn’t take a long time before I was able to use the Underground without feeling completely lost, especially if I had to change tube lines. Of course, taking care of the laundry on your own and going grocery shopping by yourself may seem quite difficult if your parents usually take care of these things for you, but it soon becomes easier once you’ve done these things a couple of times.

Definitely the most challenging part of the Summer School was finding a balance between studying and exploring the city. This was something I was especially struggling with during the first week of the Summer School. After class, I would usually meet up with friends to go to an new area of London, but as I had a test by the end of every week, I usually felt very stressed when I realised I only had a small amount of time left to prepare. Therefore, my advice to prospective Summer School students would be: explore London as much as you can, but definitely don’t forget to study regularly and to do your homework in order to not fall behind, because good time management will definitely help to reduce your stress levels.

All in all, studying in London has been one of the best experiences of my entire life and I would definitely recommend everyone to study abroad for a few weeks during the summer, since this will – without a doubt – be an experience you’ll cherish forever.

Lieke Gol

Pei’s summer at King’s

Summer at King’s has been a truly remarkable experience for me. I have never studied out of my own country before, hence, this really allowed me to immerse myself into a totally different academic culture. From the start, I had intended to study literature in London as I felt that the city was brimming with literary resources and history. What made me choose King’s College was the variety of unique courses and the availability of information on them. These helped me to decide whether I was truly interested in committing to the course over my summer holiday.

The course I chose was Wonderland: 100 Years of Children’s literature, which caught my eye due to the diverse range of interesting topics covered. I loved how the course did not shy away from discussing controversial topics such as Psychoanalysis of the author and Gender Theory. In class, everyone was supportive and encouraging, despite being from different backgrounds and countries. I felt comfortable enough to speak up in class as I knew that others would not laugh at me but instead build on my answers.

However, Summer School at King’s was not only about studying, I managed to attend lots of events and make a lot of new friends there too! We had lots of fun exploring the city together, everything was only a walk away since King’s was located conveniently in the heart of London! The school even arranged fun social events for us such as the Harry Potter Walking Tour and the trip to Greenwich.


I loved the fact that there were so many Galleries and Theatres around. We could literally pop into theatres for matinee performances right after class. It was a bonus being able to use the Student Discount to get tickets for many ticketed activities around London.


Truthfully, I had gone over without much expectations on meeting new friends. I was afraid that people would end up being too cliquey. I ended up being proved wrong as everyone that I met there was so warm and welcoming. Even the locals in London were very friendly! Every interaction I had in King’s ended in a new friendship. Words cannot express how happy and thankful I am to have been given such a wonderful opportunity to meet so many different people and expand my view of the world!



Pei Wen