“Sunshine reflecting on the beauties of London that have been hidden over the long cold winter, students from all over the world still crawling at the café, debating the last lecture they just had, and that rigorous, yet friendly, unusual academic atmospheringrid 2013 london viewe.

This is all what sums up my experience at the Summer School module on Media, Gender & Culture at King’s: one of my best formative experiences so far. Not only was the course itself a great opportunity to further focus on my personal interests and explore disciplines that were not offered by King’s during the first year, but it was also a fantastic way to get to know people from different parts of the world in a setting that is very unlike the regular King’s classes. Our professor was extremely engaging, the content she offered was of exquisite quality and the balance between theory and practice was just about right, demonstrating that academy and activism can, or perhaps should, mix together with brilliant outcomes. However, thanks to the variety of modules offered at King’s Summer School, students with an interest in more theoretical subjects are not let down and are able to choose a course that matches their specific preferences.

The teaching dynamic was also different to regular King’s classes: during the intensive 3-week period, with more in-class hours than any of my other academic modules, we were provided with the opportunity to truly concentrate on one topic and immerse ourselves into the relevant KINGSSS13_ 331issues. Also, in case you have excess time, Summer School organizes various events and trips which means that you will have the opportunity to relax and strengthen the relationship with your coursemates. Most courses even include trips to different London locations which will enable you to visit spots of the city you perhaps haven’t had the time or the chance to see during the busy academic year.


Personally the Summer School has been one of the experiences I’ve had since I arrived at King’s: I gained a deeper knowledge of what I intend to do after my degree, my grades have gone up considerably after the course thanks to the close teacher-student relationship we all experienced, and I became more aware of social problems both within Britain and Europe as well as in places such as Taiwan, India and Russia. It is a perfect fit for Liberal Arts students, and I would highly recommend give it a shot and take on a module there … if you just have the time!”