A new online Resources Hub to support day centres for older people and professionals interested in these services

Katharine Orellana & Kritika Samsi (NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, King’s College London; NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London). (592 words)

Our unique new Day Centre Resources Hub was co-produced with day centres for older people and their broader professional stakeholders. We created the Hub to support day centre sustainability by improving knowledge about them, supporting their operation, and encouraging joint working.

The Hub provides useful information, practical tips, guides, case study examples and templates that can be downloaded and used to help inform your work. Topics covered include research, outcomes and impact, marketing, recruitment and local examples.

Day centres are often valued places for people with social care and support needs who want to remain living in their communities (Bennet et al 2023, Lunt el al 2021, Orellana et al 2020, Orellana et al 2024). Their providers would like these services to be more central to health and social care systems. Continue reading

Dementia Community Research Network celebrates in style!

The Dementia Community Research Network (DCRN) turns one this year, and what better way to celebrate than to showcase the incredible work of Network members and start a conversation about better, more inclusive, dementia care? On Thursday 9 May 2024, the DCRN held its first community engagement event to do just that…

The DCRN is a network of public, community, and research partners from across South London. We are connected though our shared goal of better care for all people affected by dementia, by giving equitable opportunities to people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to be involved in dementia research.

With thanks to generous funding from the British Society of Gerontology, and hosting by King’s College Hospital, we welcomed well over 50 guests to our event, including people living with dementia and their relatives, community staff from the voluntary sector, clinical and managerial staff from the NHS and dementia care researchers. Continue reading

In Search of Hidden Healthcare Workforces: NHS Therapists for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Part 2)

Prof Ian Kessler of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce is Professor of Public Policy and Management at King’s Business School. He introduces a new report from the Unit, scoping the demand and supply of NHS therapists for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

This, the second of two blogs, focuses on the supply of, while the first addressed the demand for, therapists for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

The Supply Side

Commissioning. While the capacity to address this increased demand rests in large part on the scale, structure, and capabilities of the therapy and, as already implied, the wider health and care workforce, the commissioning process for CPY with SEND, is pivotal. Commissioning determines the services available and at what level of resource, inevitably feeding through to determine the workforce required to provide them: to put it crudely, if a service is not commissioned, a workforce is not required. The close connection between service design and the workforce is apparent from various ‘good practice’ commissioning models [1]. These typically distinguish different levels of services linked to the nature of need and support, with implications for the requisite workforce: for example, accessible universal services delivered by a wider workforce; targeted services provided by registered therapists and their support co-workers; and specialist services the exclusive preserve of the registered therapist. Continue reading

In Search of Hidden Healthcare Workforces: NHS Therapists for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Part 1)

Prof Ian Kessler of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce is Professor of Public Policy and Management at King’s Business School. He introduces a new report from the Unit, scoping the demand and supply of NHS therapists for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

This, the first of two blogs, focuses on the demand for, while the second discusses the supply of, therapists for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


The workforce delivering care and support for children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is an elusive one. In part this elusiveness stems from the diffuse and fragmented nature of the workforce as CYP with SEND typically engage with a variety of services- education, health, social care and sometimes housing. Even drilling down into these discrete service segments, tying the SEND workforce down in terms of its size, skill mix, and capacity remains challenging. Take health as an example. CYP with SEND will have a range of developmental, physical, and mental health care needs, addressed by a variety of staff groups to be found in different clinical settings including: nursing in both community, acute and mental health settings, clinical consultants in a similar range of settings, GPs in primary care, and healthcare visitors in the community. Adding to the challenges is the fact that those in any one of these staff groups will have clients which include but are rarely limited to CYP with SEND. With policies often framed by and centred on ‘children and young people with SEND’ as the named client group [1], the hidden nature of the workforce caring for and supporting them becomes a real challenge in meaningfully delivering on the policy initiative. Continue reading

In Pursuit of Ethically Sustainable Approaches to International Nurse Recruitment

Prof Ian Kessler of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce is Professor of Public Policy and Management at King’s Business School. He introduces a new evaluation from the Unit: International Nurse Recruitment and the Use of Memoranda of Understanding: The Kenya and Nepal Pilots. (1,447 words)

With rising health and care needs as national care systems seek to cope with aging populations, the growing incidence of chronic conditions, and the shock of the Covid pandemic, there has been increasing pressure on the global supply of healthcare workers. Traditionally drawing upon overseas staff, this raises new and important questions for the NHS about how such employees are accessed and managed. The recent NHS England’s Long Term Workplace Plan, 2023, for example, cautions against an over reliance on any specific source of labour. More profoundly, the pressure on the supply of overseas healthcare workers prompts renewed concerns about the ethics of international recruitment as a practice.

Earth seen from space

There has been longstanding debate on the ethics of overseas recruitment by the NHS and other high income countries. This is reflected in international attempts to regulate the practice through, for example, the World Health Organisation Global Code, 2010, designed to ‘establish the ethical international recruitment of health personnel, accounting for the rights, obligations and expectations of source countries, destination countries and migrant health personnel.’ Debate on the ethics of the process has deepened with the new labour supply side pressures, and in response, government-to-government, or bilateral, agreements, whether in the form of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or tighter, more formal treaties, have emerged as a potential vehicle for addressing ethical concerns. Continue reading

Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OHWB) and the Health and Social Care Workforce

Antonina SemkinaDr Antonina Semkina is Research Associate at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, King’s College London. (613 words)

Unit researchers Antonina Semkina and Caroline Norrie attended the annual Health and Wellbeing at Work Conference that took place in Birmingham National Exhibition Centre on 12-13 March, 2024. The conference featured 13 themes, including Future of Work; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; Health and Conditions; and Culture, Values and Engagement, among others. There were 100+ exhibitors representing Occupational Health providers, NHS and social care organisations, consultancies, training agencies, and charities.

Caroline and Antonina recently published the final report from their NIHR-funded study “Exploring the awareness and attractiveness of Occupational Health (OH) careers: perspectives of trainee doctors, nurses, OH trainees, OH career leavers” so they particularly enjoyed the opportunity to connect with and hear presentations from policy makers, researchers, practitioners, and providers in the field of OH. Continue reading

The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce Programme of Work: The Next Five Years

Prof Ian Kessler of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce introduces the Unit’s programme of work commencing this year under the 2024-28 award from the NIHR Policy Research Programme.

In the context of ongoing challenges to the recruitment, retention, and motivation of around three million staff employed in health and social care, the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce in the Policy Institute at King’s College London (KCL) has announced its programme of work as it sets out on its next five years (2024-28).

Developed in consultation with the Department of Health and Social Care, this programme is sensitive to the importance of workforce organisation and management to the delivery of high quality services as the health and care needs of the population change, and as technological and medical advances provide new opportunities to address such needs. The Programme has been framed by key policy initiatives, for example, the NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan (2023) and the DHSC White Paper People at the Heart of Care: Adult Social Care Reform (2021). It comprises the following seven related but discrete projects, with their Principal Investigators (PI):

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What are the experiences, motivations and plans of Health and Care Visa holders and their dependants?

Dr Kalpa Kharicha is Senior Research Fellow at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce in the Policy Institute at King’s College London. She led the Unit’s Visa Study, the report from which was published in October 2023. (679 words)

Internationally recruited care workers made the biggest contribution to reducing vacancies in frontline adult social care in England during 2022-3; 70,000 people came to the UK to work in a direct social care role. During this time the number of domestic recruits to care work fell. Vacancies in social care are currently at 152,000.

The increase in international care workers follows changes to government immigration policy in recent years. In particular, the addition of ‘Senior care workers’ and ‘Care workers’ to the shortage occupation list (on 27 January 2021 and 15 February 2022, respectively) allows people from other countries to apply for these jobs, with a licensed UK employer and if eligible for a Health and Care Visa.

Recent announcements on immigration policy mean that from early 2024 (exact date to be confirmed at time of writing), Health and Care Visa holders arriving in the UK after that time will no longer be able to bring their dependants with them Health and Care Visa holders who are already in the UK can bring dependants whilst on their current visa.

As part of our recent research to understand the impact of the Health and Care visa system on the adult social care workforce in England, we spoke to 29 internationally recruited care workers and dependants, as well as 22 social care providers, 8 brokerage agencies and 15 sector skills experts, who shared their views and experiences with us. Continue reading

How can we scale-up innovations? Lessons from the development of four local Shared Lives schemes

Carl PurcellDr Carl Purcell is a Research Fellow based in the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, part of the Policy Institute at King’s College London. He is also part of the team working on the SASCI project led by Dr Juliette Malley based at the Care Policy Evaluation Centre at the LSE. This is the second of two blogs on Shared Lives. (1,315 words)

In a previous blog we considered the successful spread of Shared Lives (SLs) schemes as an alternative model of care that seeks to replicate ‘ordinary’ family life for adults with care needs. This model has long enticed national and local policymakers’ attention and SLs schemes are now established in most English local authority (LA) areas. However, it remains a very small model accounting for just 1 per cent of those drawing on local authority funded adult social care and less than 0.5 per cent of the workforce. Furthermore, SLs continues to be used predominantly for the care and support of people with learning disabilities (LD) despite efforts to promote its wider use for a more diverse range of people. This prompted us to investigate the challenges faced by local schemes trying to ‘scale-up’. Continue reading

How do innovations spread? What we can learn from Shared Lives schemes and the role of Shared Lives Plus?

Carl PurcellDr Carl Purcell is a Research Fellow based in the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, part of the Policy Institute at King’s College London. He is also part of the team working on the SASCI project led by Dr Juliette Malley based at the Care Policy Evaluation Centre at the LSE. See also the second blog in this series by Dr Purcell. (1,129 words)

Innovation, or doing things differently, is commonly promoted by policymakers as a response to social challenges in the context of increased pressure on public services and stretched resources. Policy announcements on adult social care are testament to this, but we know surprisingly little about how innovations emerge and are developed, sustained, and spread. The Supporting Adult Social Care Innovation (SASCI) project – an ESRC funded study investigating innovation in adult social care in England – was set up to address this. The spread of Shared Lives (SLs) schemes across England has provided an intriguing case study. Continue reading