It is quite common to feel a bit down in January. The festivities are over, the decorations are taken down, and it’s back to reality. For some of you, it has been full on with exams and deadlines. There is a particular day of the month considered the most depressing and unsurprisingly, it’s a Monday. Boo.
Dubbed ‘Blue Monday,’ it typically falls on the third Monday of the year. This year January 21st bears the brunt of this dreaded title.
The concept was first publicised as part of a 2005 press release from holiday company Sky Travel. Dr Cliff Arnall claimed that due to some factors including weather, debt and time since Christmas, ‘scientifically’ this time of year is quite depressing for us in the northern hemisphere. He even came up with a formula to calculate the date. Since then, this January Monday has been lumbered with negative and miserable connotations.
However, In a recent interview for the Independent Dr Arnall has said that it was not his intention to make this a negative day but in fact to ‘ encourage people, where possible, to take a positive outlook on the time of year as an opportunity for new beginnings and change.’
So we are taking back our Mondays and making an intentional effort to make the 21st January the best Monday of the year so far!
Here are our five ways to beat the Monday Blues:
1. Express Gratitude
Starting your day by listing the things you are grateful for is quite literally one of the best ways you can start any day. Doing this first thing on a Monday morning will remind you of all of the great things in your life and give you a whole bunch of reasons to get on with your day.
2. Get moving in the sunlight
Natural sunlight increases our Vitamin D level which in turn boosts serotonin. So why not go for a lunchtime stroll to soak up some of those sun rays and boost endorphins? Leaving you feeling calmer and happier.
Check out what sports activities are happening on the BeActive Timetable.
3. Watch your favourite film
Give yourself something to look forward to at the end of your day by planning an evening snuggled up with your favourite blanket and your favourite movie. You could even invite some of the other students living in your residence to join you. Lose yourself in the story of some of your favourite characters.
4.Sing The Blues Away with KCL ResiLife
Singing in a group can be a great way to reduce stress. Along with the socialising aspect, singing has been known to lower blood pressure due to specific breathing techniques similar to yoga methods. So why not spend your evening destressing by singing some of our favourite uplifting songs.
Singing The Blues Away
5. Burgers and Board Games KCLSU events
Get to know some new people and eat some good food to start your week off right. Head over to Guys Bar from 5 pm every Monday for their Burgers and Board Games event. Play any of their board games, and the winner gets a free Pint! (T&C’s applied! One Pint per game/hour).
Burgers+Board Games
So whatever you choose to do today, make this Monday a happy Monday!
Words by Keira ResiLife