Remote learning: a day in the life of a master’s student

By Azky, MSc Software Engineering


Students are currently completing their studies remotely, due to the current climate. In this post, I will be writing about what a typical day in the life of an MSc student is like in this situation.



I normally start my morning early, usually around 7 AM. Online sessions try to accommodate the different time zones we are in (as we are all working remotely, and have peers that are in the opposite time zone) and hence some days I will have my first online session around 8 AM. Live online sessions are structured to explore the materials for the week, and facilitate discussion on the topics with your peers. As well as online sessions for the modules, we also have a small group tutorials for some modules. This time is used to go over labs for the week, and run through any questions you may have with a teaching assistant.


Most of my live sessions normally end by 3 PM latest, and after that, I take an hour to have lunch and go for a small walk. Once I return, I go over the topics covered for the day, take notes, and solidify anything that I felt unclear about. This is a practice that I have followed from my younger days and doing so helps me tremendously during the exam period and avoids facing obstacles at the last minute.


I usually complete my work/studies for the day around 5pm, and normally have the remaining day to spend on anything I wish. On most days, I take a small break and focus on the contents for the upcoming weeks. This keeps me on top of upcoming topics, and allows me to further broaden my knowledge, which is a key component of making use of your degree to the best extent. I also sometimes use this time to research the topic for my final project & dissertation. On some days, I also take part in study societies activities, which is a great opportunity to meet new people and form connections whilst we are all virtual.


My day at my desk normally ends at 8 PM, and I follow this strict timing for a better study/life balance, as well as maintaining better health. I spend my remaining time reading books, watching TV, and having dinner before going to bed.



As you can see, life during remote study encompasses most of your time around your computer/laptop, but this has also become the norm due to the rising increase in work-from-home style. Despite not being able to physically attend classes and socialise, I try to make the most of my time at King’s by taking part in societies, being active in events and broadening my knowledge in topics of interest to make use of the available lecturers that can help me further explore it.



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