#48hrStartUp challenge

In our most recent blog post, one of our previous Careers Engagement Assistants – Alex – is sharing her experience of the #48hrStartUp challenge. Wonder why you should enter a competition like this? Read on…  The 48 hr Startup challenge is an unique two day competition in collaboration with King’s Business School. Your team will… More #48hrStartUp challenge

What is commercial awareness?

Commercial awareness – it’s one of those terms that will come up time an time again when you’re researching important graduate skills and how to demonstrate them, and it’s usually referred to as an essential part of a graduate’s employability. But what exactly does it mean? It’s simple really. Commercial awareness is about knowing how… More What is commercial awareness?

Worried about your future? It’ll be alright in the end!

Whether you’re coming up to final exams or your dissertation, or just at the start of your time at King’s, it can be tempting to put off thinking about your future. Quite often the reason for that is the fear that you haven’t made the “right” choice yet about what you want to do.   “I’ll put off making a final decision until… More Worried about your future? It’ll be alright in the end!

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment practice

Today’s blog post is written by Tracy Bussoli, one of our fabulous freelancers! Continue reading to find out more about the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process…  The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process is growing year on year. A 2018 LinkedIn report (registration required) showed that 76… More The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment practice

Self-confidence from 0 to 10!

Self-confidence does affect your career, so if you missed out on our post from last year – here it is again! Read on for more information about how you can increase your self-confidence, and why you should…  Self-confidence [,sɛlfˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns/] noun: a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment.   How does self-confidence affect your… More Self-confidence from 0 to 10!

Don’t underestimate the importance of body language…

We have another guest post for you today! This time from our Careers Consultant Beka on the importance of body language in interviews – here it goes… In a 2016 interview Kanye West predicted, “I don’t think people are going to talk in the future. They’re going to communicate through eye contact, body language, emojis,… More Don’t underestimate the importance of body language…

Experiencing the Global Internships Programme as an intern for Mission East

In this blog post we will be hearing from Kendrah and Ebba. Kendrah is the Quality and Learning Manager at Mission East and Ebba is a King’s graduate who completed a Global Internship at Mission East’s headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Read on to find out more about Kendrah’s and Ebba’s experience of participating in the… More Experiencing the Global Internships Programme as an intern for Mission East