(Wo)mentoring opportunities – open to all!

For those of us (me…) who find networking intimidating, the prospect of having a mentor might feel equally daunting.

But there’s good reason to apply for a structured mentoring scheme – especially if you’re nervous about the world of work: 

  1. Mentors can share their expertise: Mentors have already negotiated the tricky study-to-work transition and can advise you on how to cope and to thrive when you also come to make that leap.
  2. Mentors are someone you can talk to: Mentors will understand if you need to work on your time management or your interpersonal skills, for example. 
  3. Mentors will help you at career milestones: Not only will a mentor listen and advise, but they can also introduce you to new contacts who can further your career.
A close up photograph of a man's back as he looks at the British Houses of Parliament across the River Thames.
Image property of King’s College London

So if you’re ready to dive in and find a mentor to guide you in your career journey, consider One Essex Court who are launching a mentoring programme for students interested in the Commercial Bar. The scheme will run during the 2019/2020 academic year. Each mentee will be paired with a female barrister from One Essex Court who will act as their mentor. The scheme includes:

    • One-to-one mentoring meetings through the course of the year
    • A skills afternoon to build on application, interview, and advocacy skills
    • A summer drinks party for all mentors and mentee

Applications are welcome from students in any year of undergraduate or postgraduate study and any discipline. We welcome applications from students of any gender, and we particularly welcome applications from those under-represented at the Commercial Bar, including people of minority ethnic origin, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and people who attended state schools or were the first in their family to attend university.

To apply, visit the website and submit the application form by 12 noon on 25 October 2019. Consideration will be given to all applications received by that date and up to 20 successful applications will be selected. Successful applicants will be notified by email by 1st November.

Don’t forget to come along to our 3-day Law Fair extravaganza next week to meet other firms and discover what you want to do, focus on specific companies or legal areas, and start to action your dreams. Find more details and top tips here


If you’re not interested in a career at the Bar, but are seeking a mentor, keep checking this blog for upcoming schemes, or register to link up with King’s College alumni. This platform is designed to link up mentors and mentees – with over 4500 active members, you’ll be able to find someone to learn from. Read our advice on using LinkedIn and on learning to network