Express your interest in the NLU Delhi International Negotiation Competition

The National Law University Delhi is extending an invitation to King’s College London to participate in the 9th edition of the HSF – NLU Delhi International Negotiation Competition (INC), organised jointly by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP and National Law University Delhi, to be held in New Delhi, India on 30 August – 1 September 2024.… More Express your interest in the NLU Delhi International Negotiation Competition

How to have a productive, unproductive break | Law student edition

Imogen Hanson, our Employer Relations & Development Adviser, has given some great advice to law students who may currently be doing work experience on how to balance work mode with rest. It is so important to look after yourself, especially after the year we have all had. So, take it easy and enjoy your Christmas… More How to have a productive, unproductive break | Law student edition

Top 20 King’s careers events you DON’T want to miss this Autumn Term 2021!

Read all about what events we have this year and take part in exciting career learning opportunities with industry professionals across all sectors and professions. You don’t have to be interested in any specific careers to attend our events – all students are welcome, whatever stage of career thinking you are at!… More Top 20 King’s careers events you DON’T want to miss this Autumn Term 2021!

At Least It Sounded Good: Ten Tips on How to Improve your Presentation Skills

In today’s blog, LLM student Imogen Todd talks about an all-important topic… presentation skills! Whether you’re doing a presentation for your course, or for a group of managers at work, there are at least ten things you can learn to enhance your skills…… More At Least It Sounded Good: Ten Tips on How to Improve your Presentation Skills

Waiting to hear from employers? Our 6 tips to staying patient and why your application is taking so long

You might have spent lots of time developing your application skills and now… it’s just time to wait. When you’re waiting to hear back from recruiters, many feel stressed or anxious. Caroline Lindner, Career Consultant talks about developing patience and what to do during the ‘waiting period’.… More Waiting to hear from employers? Our 6 tips to staying patient and why your application is taking so long

Guide to Personality and Aptitude tests: How to succeed in your Watson Glaser test!

Recruitment can be stressful but there’s no reason to worry – you can prepare for anything with a bit of time and the right resources at hand! Careers Consultant Caroline Lindner shares resources and useful tips for nailing your psychometric assessments in the legal sector.… More Guide to Personality and Aptitude tests: How to succeed in your Watson Glaser test!

A Check-in with King’s Law students: 5 tips for incorporating careers into your summer!

In today’s blog, law career consultants Caroline and Brett take the pen to celebrate the end of exams with students of the Dickson Poon School of Law, and offer some ideas to help navigate your next steps during the summer.… More A Check-in with King’s Law students: 5 tips for incorporating careers into your summer!