On the eve of publication of his latest book, a celebration event was held for Emeritus Professor Tony Allan at the Geography department.
As a Geographer, Tony has had a long career both at King’s College London and SOAS, leading the field in remote sensing and later, as an internationally esteemed expert in water resources and the political economy that determines water use and water policy. He has worked in the Middle East and North Africa region over many decades where he discovered that countries import the water they need in the form of food and called this virtual water. Tony is a pioneer in the development of key concepts in the understanding and communication of water issues and how they are linked to agriculture, economics and politics. He was awarded the Stockholm Water Prize in 2008, Florence Monito Water Prize in 2013 and the Monaco Water Prize in 2013. Since then he has continued to be an active researcher and supervisor of research students, supporting the London Water Research Group.

R: Tony with MSc students
His latest book, ‘OUP Handbook on Food, Water and Society‘ was co-edited by Dr Brendan Bromwich, Dr Martin Keulertz and Dr Tony Colman. This book brings together over 40 chapters focusing on various aspects related to putting in place a stable food system founded on sustainable water ecosystems. It also features the central role of farmers, which Tony Allan has passionately advocated for in the last several years, and argues for policy changes that will enable them to undertake the dual role of feeding a growing population and stewarding natural resources.
Colleagues and friends of Prof Tony Allan joined to celebrate his career and extensive contributions to academia. There were informal speeches and toasts by former students, department colleagues and collaborators. Many messages were also received from those unable to attend. All speeches and messages spoke of Tony’s integrity, humbleness and brilliance. A big thanks to Tony for his many contributions and more to come!

Colleagues from his SOAS days join to celebrate…
…along with many messages received