A Short Summer Course in Software Performance Engineering


Software engineering is a scientific, systematic approach to the development of computer software, operating systems and programs. This module is designed to be practical to ensure that you do not only understand the concepts and ideas, but are ready to apply them in practice to your own software development efforts. Based on real-world industrial case studies, you will study three aspects of software performance engineering (SPE).

The course will be lectured by Dr Steffen Zschaler, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, along with Mr Malcom Lees who is an IT Consultant and Performance Engineering Practitioner with over 40 years working with numerous well-known global organisations and brands.

If you’re considering applying to the programme please note that applicants should be current Computer Science students who have completed at least one year of study by the time they attend the Summer School. Accommodation is available if required for an additional cost. To book accommodation for the Summer School in Software Performance Engineering, please do so via the estore.

Running from 2- 13 July 2018, this programme will be led by King’s College London. All applications must be submitted online by 31 May 2018. More information about the academic content can be found on this webpage. Alternatively you can contact us by email at summer@kcl.ac.uk or call the office during opening hours. All the best with your application and we hope to see you in July.


New Summer Programme- University Futures: Skills in leadership and innovation

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New to the King’s College London Summer Programmes Team portfolio for 2018 is University Futures: Skills in leadership and innovation conference.

Running from 1- 7 July 2018, this programme will be led by King’s College London’s Entrepreneurship Institute. This stimulating programme, aimed at high school students aged 14 and 15 years olds, will explore themes of innovation and leadership through a series of lectures, seminars and group work activities. More information about the academic content can be found on this webpage.

University Futures is a fully residential programme and all students will be housed in our Stamford Street Apartments. Every night there will be social activities for all students to take part in, including a treasure hunt along London’s South Bank, a trip to Covent Garden, a boat party on the Thames and a theatre trip.

You can apply online and you have until 15 May 2018 to submit an application to the programme. More information about the programme and how to apply can be found here. Good luck with your application and we hope to see you in July.

Applications now open: Pre-University Taster 2018

pre-uni (6)We’ve now launched our Pre-University Taster programme for 2018.

Our Pre-University Taster is a chance to explore a subject at undergraduate level, whilst studying at one of the world’s top universities.

The programme will run from 6-9 August 2018. Choose from a range of study areas including Business Management, History and Literature, Law, Science and new for 2018 is Engineering.

You can submit an application now and you will have until 31 May 2018 to apply to the programmes. This year we are offering 10 tuition fee scholarships for students wishing to study on the 2018 Pre-University Taster programme. These scholarships will cover the tuition fee of £300 and the deadline to apply is 1 April 2018. If you would like more information about this and details on how to apply please visit our Summer@King’s Scholarships page.

Accommodation is also available to those wishing to study on the Pre-University Taster programme. Upon receiving an offer you can purchase your accommodation from the King’s College London e-store.

If you have a question concerning an application that you have submitted please email the admissions team through your King’s Apply account. If you have a question about accommodation, the e-store or any other aspect of the programme you may also find the answer to your query on our website. Alternatively you can contact us by email at summer@kcl.ac.uk or call the office during opening hours.

Applications now open: Pre-University Summer School 2018


We’ve now launched our Pre-University Summer School for 2018.

Our Pre-University Summer School is launching two sessions for this year, due to popular demand. Session One will run from 9 July to 20 July 2018 and Session Two will begin on 23 July and end on 3 August 2018. Choose from a range of courses, which includes Business Management, Law, Medicine, Politics, Psychology and The Human Body. Take a look at our What Can I Study page for a list of modules.

You can submit an application now and you will have until 15 May 2018 to apply to the programmes. If you have any questions please take a look at our Pre-University Summer School Frequently Asked Questions page.

This year we are offering 10 tuition fee scholarships for students wishing to study on the 2018 Pre-University Summer School. These scholarships will cover the tuition fee of £1,800 and the deadline to apply is 1 April 2018. If you would like more information about this and details on how to apply please visit our Summer@King’s Scholarships page.

If you have a question concerning an application that you have submitted please email the admissions team through your King’s Apply account. If you have a question about accommodation, the e-store or any other aspect of the programme you may also find the answer to your query on our website. Alternatively you can contact us by email at summer@kcl.ac.uk or call the office during opening hours.

My Summer at King’s: Vedika Kedia

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King’s College London Summer School is an appropriate opportunity for someone like me looking to discover, International Relations (IR). The course curriculum involves introducing basic concepts of power, democracy in IR and evolves to further nuanced study of the failed states, conflict regions and role of institutions like the United Nations. What made the course even more palpable were the class discussions, role-plays and other class activities. It gives an in-depth understanding of the perspectives of different stakeholders. Keats portal offers an access to a wide range of online material to further analyse any topic of interest. It significantly aids the course of study particularly during assignments.

The diversity within the classroom also fuelled the discussions. My peers belonged to various disciplines like History, Law, Journalism, Commerce and Mathematics. Through the short tenure of the course, we explored the concepts taught through the lenses of different stakeholders. The complexity of policy making in IR was evident through role-plays. In a scenario where groups have high stakes it is difficult to arrive at a consensus. In addition, being in India, we also discussed the impact of different policies on India and its take.

I comprehended the significance of evaluating the contextual variables. On doing so, I understood the uniqueness of each conflict and realised the futility of one–size-fits-all policies. I also learnt the importance of studying the history of a particular group or nation to assess its current position. History forms an important part of IR as many policies are framed keeping the nation’s past experiences in mind.

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The module has equipped me better to read between the lines. Knowing the IR theories, I can now better analyse the motives behind different IR policies and try to understand its impact. I came across new friends and a reliable guide in form of my professor.

Our Professor guided us vehemently throughout our course. She was always available on mail or in person to clear our queries promptly. At no point neither KCL nor the professor took the module in low intensity which clearly shows their high commitments level. This course was treated at par with any module during the usual graduate term in London. There could be many reasons to sway away, being it just a summer school, a short non – graduating course, geographically far away from main London campus and moreover no student opting for credit transfers. But it was all professionalism at work.

In a nutshell, I would describe the King’s College London, Delhi Summer School to be a memorable intrinsic didactic experience.

Applications Now Open- Undergraduate Summer School 2018

berlin blog oneWe are pleased to announce that applications for our 2018 Undergraduate Summer School are now open.

Our Undergraduate Summer School in London runs in two sessions. Session One will run from 2 July to 20 July 2018 and Session Two will begin on 23 July and end on 10 August 2018. You can choose to study with us for three weeks in either session one or two, or study for six weeks in both sessions. Choose from a range of Health & Science, Business, Law, Health, Governance and Culture modules. Take a look at our What Can I Study page for a list of modules.

The King’s Summer Programmes Teams are proud to announce that we are offering 8 tuition fee scholarships for students wishing to study on the 2018 Undergraduate Summer School. These scholarships will cover the tuition fee of £1,500 and the deadline to apply is 1 April 2018. If you would like more information about this and details on how to apply please visit our Summer@King’s Scholarships page.

You can submit an application now and you will have until 31 May 2018 to apply to the programmes. If you have any questions please take a look at our Undergraduate Summer School Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you have a question concerning an application that you have submitted please email the admissions team through your King’s Apply account. If you have a question about accommodation, the e-store or any other aspect of the programme you may also find the answer to your query on our website. Alternatively you can contact us by email at summer@kcl.ac.uk or call the office during opening hours.

My Summer at King’s: Louise Peart

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Summer soon came around and before I knew it I was in a car headed to London to start my two weeks at the King’s College London Pre-University Summer School. Although not wanting to admit it, I was absolutely terrified- the thought of being thrown into a university-style course with complete strangers and expected to socialise filled me with anxiety, and I soon started to question precisely what I had let myself in for. What if nobody talked to me? How will I understand the content of a medicine course when I’ve only just taken my GCSEs? And, most importantly, what if there’s no WiFi?

These thoughts were immediately swept out of my mind the moment I walked into the Stamford Street apartments. I was greeted by ambassadors in orange t-shirts who welcomed me with huge smiles, and helped me take my luggage to my flat. They took the time to speak to my family and assured them (and myself) that I would be fine. After spending some time unpacking, I decided to take the plunge and knocked on the door of my neighbouring room. We managed to skip the awkward small talk and in fact learnt that I had visited her hometown in the US just two summers ago. We now Snapchat every day and are constantly having discussions of our reunion.

Without sounding cliché, the next two weeks were, without question, the best two weeks of my life. Coming from a small school I rarely have a chance to meet people my age from such an international background, but by the end of my time at King’s I had formed special bonds with friends from all across the globe. This gave me a taste of what studying at such an internationally renowned university would be like, and it is something that I cannot wait to be apart of. Academically, the course provided a very stimulating introduction into Medicine, through lectures, seminars and clinical skills sessions. At the beginning of my two weeks I was unsure whether medicine was for me, however now I am almost certain that I want to become a doctor.

I would whole-heartedly recommend this course to anyone who wants to make the most out of their summer, and spend two weeks exploring London- which I have come to adore. The hardest part was saying goodbye to my new friends, who almost felt like family, however I left with the confidence of knowing what I want to study, where, and perhaps most importantly, a set of friends for life.

Undergraduate Summer School Students- What’s Next?

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Many congratulations and thank you to those of you who attended the King’s College London Undergraduate Summer School this year! This blog post is to update you on the next steps and what to expect over the next few months.

Examiners will have begun marking your work, and if you have met the minimum attendance you will be sent an official Record of Agreed Results (a transcript of your grades). To make sure this is sent to the right place please check that your home address is listed correctly on your Student Records account. If not, please log into your record online and edit the address by Sunday 27 August.

You should be able to see your assessment results on KEATS by the very end of this month.

Record of Agreed Results (a transcript of your grades) sent to your registered postal address by the end of October. You will be sent one copy of your transcript from King’s to the address you have supplied us in your original application. If you would prefer for this to be sent directly to your home institution please ensure this information has been updated fully in your King’s student record. You can visit our e-store via the King’s website if you need to purchase additional copies of your transcript.

If you are interested in coming back to King’s – the 2018 Summer School programme will be available to view online from the beginning of November.

We hope you have enjoyed your Summer School experience and we hope to see you again in the future.

Meet The Team


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Hello from the entire Summer Programmes Office! It’s been an exciting few months for us here in London, what with welcoming a number of new team members and receiving your applications to our various summer programmes. So we thought we would introduce ourselves to you all and to let you know, if we had the chance, what Undergraduate Summer School module we would study and why…

“The Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine has a history of nurturing some of history’s best scientific minds. From the discovery of the structure of DNA, vitamins and beta blockers to the pioneering work on end of life care, researchers at Kings have made life changing contributions to the field of Biosciences. This module is a chance to be taught by scientific heroes”.
Dr Sarah Williamson, Director of Summer Programme

“They all sound so wonderful I think it would be so hard to choose – all of them academically intensive, yet challenging and thought provoking. And I love the fact you get to use London as a classroom”.
Ian Fielding, Deputy Director Summer Programmes

“I’m a great fan of TV Crime Dramas like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Silent Witness and Waking the Dead, so it would be great to uncover the fact from the fiction in terms of the real world of forensic science. Studying Forensic Science would also give me an excuse to return to my sartorial heydays of wearing a long white laboratory coat and protective eye goggles on a daily basis. I would also pick the Entrepreneurship module because essentially it is all about creating value and identifying opportunities. The module is very ‘market’ focused and would give participants the chance to identify their entrepreneurial potential, explore their creativity and develop a range of skills and knowledge that could be applied in any professional contexts”.
Michael Bedward MBA FHEA, Teaching Fellow (Short Courses)

“I remember studying Latin at school for seven long years. When I once had the chance to sit in on an Intensive Latin Summer School class during its second week I was amazed by how much vocabulary the students knew and about their cultural insights too. It is hard to thoroughly learn a new language from scratch when you are busy. That’s why I would take the very intensive and well structured Ancient Greek course on the Undergraduate Summer School”.
Dr Alexander Heinz, Academic Convenor Summer Programmes

“I would choose the Consumer Behaviour module because I am fascinated by what motivates people to make purchase decisions, and how technology keeps changing and shaping their behaviour”.
Miriam Menkarius, Senior Marketing Officer Summer Programmes

“I love reading and learning about different aspects of psychology which makes the module, Profiling and Psychology of Terrorism, really interesting to me. I’ve sat in on a couple of these classes and the tutor really knows her stuff, bringing in exciting guest speakers who are inspiring and relevant to this field”.
Laura Carseldine, Summer Programmes Manager

“For me, spending the summer studying plays and visiting theatres would be a dream come true so I would choose Theatrical London.  I think it would be fascinating to learn more about London’s illustrious theatrical history and to build my knowledge of the key plays and cultural spaces that define it.  The close proximity of King’s to London’s theatre district also means there are plenty of opportunities to see the latest productions, from West End shows to fringe theatre events.  Sign me up now!”
Zoe Hamilton, Summer Programmes Manager 

“I would choose the Public Health module as I am fascinated by how health care professionals plan and deliver health services in conflict and non-conflict zones. The current migrant crisis has created places such as the ‘Calais Jungle’ which have no government co-ordinated support infrastructures which are fertile ground for the breakout of epidemics. Public Health professionals are able to put in place simple and basic medical practices that could avoid the spread of disease.”
Fahema Ettoubi, Summer Programmes Officer (Admissions)

“Reading has always been a big part of my life, particularly during my childhood, so the bookworm in me would definitely choose the  Wonderland: 100 Years of Children’s Literature module. The opportunity to study some of my favourite pieces of children’s literature from a historical, political and moral stand point would be extremely captivating and getting to do all this in the heart of London is such a great experience. Something I wish I would have done during my studies'”.
Sage Fitzpatrick, Summer Programmes Officer (Operations, Marketing and Events)

Pre-University Summer School


Hello I’m Zoe, one of the summer programmes managers here at King’s and I want to inform students about our Pre-University programme.

The King’s College London Pre-University Summer School is a unique academic and social two week residential programme based in the very heart of London. It is open to independent high-achieving students who are enrolled within their final two years at high school and therefore are normally between the ages of 16 and 18.

The programme offers students the chance to experience university life at a world class institution, to focus on plans for university and to build new friendships with students from around the world. It also provides the opportunity for students to explore London and to use  it as a classroom, with course specific excursions making the most of our central location.

In 2015 the Pre-University Summer School will offer five academic courses: Global Health, Global Politics, International Management, International Law and World History: London & The British Empire. All courses are taught by King’s College London Summer School academic staff and you can find out more about each individual course on our website.

The programme fee includes a number of exciting excursions and activities to take advantage of King’s College’s central location. In previous years students have enjoyed a trip to a West End theatre, unique walking tours, a live cabaret and circus evening and a boat party on the Thames. These excursions allow students to explore all that the capital has to offer but also provide opportunities to socialise with their fellow students outside of the classroom.

The social programme also includes a weekend spent outside of London, giving students the chance to experience another part of the country and to build relationships with their peers. In 2015 we will be heading to the ‘heart of England’ and visiting Stratford upon Avon (Shakespeare’s birthplace) and the historic cities of Bath, Oxford and Windsor.

Accommodation for the programme is guaranteed at the College’s Stamford Street Apartments. Located in the heart of Waterloo, these apartments are within short walking distance to our Strand and Waterloo campuses, where Pre-University teaching takes place, and minutes away from London’s top attractions. More information about accommodation can be found on our website. All meals are provided for students on the residential programme and are included in the programme fee.

Throughout their time on the programme, students will be fully supported by a team of trained and experienced Pre-University Summer School staff including a team of Pre-University Student Ambassadors. Ambassadors are current King’s students specially selected to support the students and help them make their stay as comfortable and safe as possible.

Guidelines for the application process can be found on our website.


If you have any questions please contact me at pre-university@kcl.ac.uk

I look forward to receiving your applications and will hopefully see you in summer 2015.