Ciao Milano

Higher Education institutions across the world encourage their students to expand their knowledge and gain experience outside the classroom. Throughout the year they organise events and often invite external guests to facilitate that interaction.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, one of our partner universities in Italy, has recently hosted an International Day for their students and invited institutions from different parts of the world to attend. The event is held to encourage their students to have international experiences such as summer schools, internships, language courses and volunteering.

It was our great pleasure travelling to Milan to participate at this fantastic event and meet so many people interested in our Summer School.

The event wouldn’t be the same without our lovely student ambassadors and alumni who did an amazing job helping us with the enquires of many students. Who better than our alumni to talk about Summer at Kings? Plus, it was great to see them again, now in their country and see their passion and enthusiasm about their Summer at King’s.

Does your School, College or University have an international day coming up? If yes, we truly encourage you to go, explore and make the most of all the opportunities available. International events are a great way to discover new opportunities. 

Go and explore the world, make unforgettable memories and get out of your comfort zone.


Life is more exciting out of your comfort zone, when you challenge yourself, when you dream big and do your best to achieve your goals. Our Summer School is designed to do exactly that – educate, challenge and inspire you.

What are your intentions for this new academic year? What are you committed to do? What is your plan to keep your motivation through the year? Take time to reflect and plan.

That’s exactly what we are doing here at King’s. Watch this space for some exciting updates and the launch of our Summer School 2019.

In the meantime, good luck with your studies and start dreaming about London in the summertime!