Category: Advice & Guidance (Page 2 of 2)

Eat Positive in Lockdown

Food to help you keep positive

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When self-isolating oven food or a takeaway (if they are still delivering) may seem like the only thing that can make you feel better, but in fact, it will only make you feel worse.

Trust us.

At times like this, it is important to keep your stress levels down and try to maintain a positive mindset.

Not only is eating healthier proven to bust stress but it also makes for a healthy body and mind. Cooking can help to relax and take your mind off these uncertain times, and you never know, you could surprise yourself with your cooking skills!


1. Leafy greens

It’s tempting to go straight for a cheeseburger when you’re feeling low and you just want some comfort food, but instead, go green. Leafy greens like spinach contain folate, which produces a pleasure-inducing chemical, dopamine, which helps you keep calm.


2. Turkey
Perfect for boosting your mood, turkey contains an amino acid that releases the chemical serotonin, giving us a sense of calm and even tiredness. It’s leaner than chicken and usually cheaper too so a win-win situation!


3. Oatmeal
If carbs are something you just can’t live without, instead of reaching for a doughnut, try a more complex carb like oatmeal. It may sound boring but you can add in your favourite spices and fruit to make it much more interesting and tasty. Check out some of the best oatmeal recipes.


4. Salmon
It might not smell great but salmon is rich in omega-3 and you can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s known to help keep your adrenaline from flaring when you’re feeling tense.


5. Dark chocolate
If you are a chocoholic, then this one’s for you. Dark chocolate can reduce your stress hormones and contains unique natural substances that create a sense of euphoria, similar to the feeling of being in love, so no wonder we love chocolate so much!


6. Blueberries
They may only be small but don’t be fooled – they pack a serious punch of antioxidants and Vitamin C to help with feelings of stress. You can always put them in a smoothie (with banana and yoghurt) to help you get your fix.


7. Milk
Milk is a great source of vitamin D, a nutrient that can boost happiness. It also contains protein lactium and potassium, which helps relax the body and muscles by lowering your blood pressure. Having a glass of milk before bed will definitely help you sleep like a baby.


8. Avocado
These are packed with Vitamin B, which gives you healthy nerve and brain cells to help stamp out feelings of anxiety. Perfect for times like this.

So just as your deadlines and exams start to creep up, it might be a good idea to stock up on these stress-fighting foods, remember, stay calm, you can do this.

Apps to cure boredom

Apps to pass the time

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Being stuck indoors doesn’t have to be all bad. The power of technology means there are millions of apps available to keep you occupied.

Whether it’s for mindless games or to train your brain to be more powerful, they’re ideal for times just like this. Below we’ve collated some apps to try out for various moods…


Houseparty | IOS/Android:  Combining video chat and quizzes, this is perfect for big groups
Monopoly | IOS/Android: The age-old classic has gone digital (less opportunity for cheating mind you)
8 Ball Pool | IOS/Android: Well, we can’t go to the pub for a quick game, so compete from your room instead


Luminosity IOS/Android: Challenge and improve your mind with a range of exercises and quizzes
Mini Metro | IOS/Android: A strategy simulation game about designing a subway map for a growing city!
The House of Da Vinci | IOS/Android: A bit different than the usual brain training games but with puzzles and mysteries to solve, it gets you thinking


Duolingo IOS/Android: Brush up on your languages ready for when we’re free to fly again!
Ted IOS/Android: Inspiring TED talks covering a host of topics, there’s no doubt you will learn something new
Khan Academy | IOS/Android: So many skills to learn and thousands of interactive exercises, videos, and articles at your fingertips


Glo IOS/Android: Yoga, Pilates or Meditation, whichever you prefer this has unlimited classes to choose from
Overdrive IOS/Android: Not got a kindle? Not to worry, Overdrive is stacked full of e-books
Colorfy | IOS/Android: Zone out and relax with some good, old fashioned colouring in


Happy Apping!

We’re Listening To … This Is The Side Hustle Revolution

Your time at university is not just about developing in your chosen academic field but also a space for you to have new experiences and explore more of your other interests.  With plenty of societies and events going on all year round, and not forgetting the great city where we are based, King’s is the perfect place to try out that hobby you have always wanted to do.

As we have mentioned in previous posts it is important to strike the right balance between study, social and work life. We know money can be an issue for many students so why not turn your hobby into a ‘Side Hustle’?

This video from the TED The Way We Work series talks about how many people in North America are generating multiple streams of income doing more of the things they love.

Are you already turning your hobbies into extra income? Share some of your ideas with us in the comment section below.



Check out the Entrepreneurship Institute for more ideas or for money advice head over to student services for support.


Money Matters! 3 Steps to Improving Your Financial Wellbeing

Managing your finances is one of the top challenges that most students face and the theme for this year’s National Student Money Week was ‘Breaking Bad Money Habits’, and aimed to help students break these habits by making small simple changes for a big impact on their finances.

There are lots of ways to making improvements so here are 3 steps you can take to start improving your financial wellbeing. 

1. Get some Advice

The worst thing you can you do if you’re struggling with money is suffer in silence.  It may not always be easy to admit there is a problem, but it’s key to get some support as soon as possible. Visit the Student Services office on your campus and speak to a Money Advisor who will be able to offer advice on your situation and explore ways that could help.

2. Try Blackbullion

This is a brilliant online resource that aims to help students become more confident about their finances. There are short modules to go through on various topics from budgeting, savings and understanding financial terms and jargon, that’ll help you get back on track in no time! It’s free to sign up using your King’s email address.

3. Talk to a Mentor

A King’s Money Mentor that is! These financial gurus are current King’s students who have demonstrated financial resilience and are trained to provide peer support, information and guidance.  As they’re students,  they know what it’s like to survive on a student budget,  so they’ve got lots of tips and advice on how to make the most of your money.

If you want to get your finances back on track join them on  Monday 11th February at Atlas residence for their  ‘Improving your Financial Wellbeing’ workshop.  Full details here




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