Managing your finances is one of the top challenges that most students face and the theme for this year’s National Student Money Week was ‘Breaking Bad Money Habits’, and aimed to help students break these habits by making small simple changes for a big impact on their finances.

There are lots of ways to making improvements so here are 3 steps you can take to start improving your financial wellbeing. 

1. Get some Advice

The worst thing you can you do if you’re struggling with money is suffer in silence.  It may not always be easy to admit there is a problem, but it’s key to get some support as soon as possible. Visit the Student Services office on your campus and speak to a Money Advisor who will be able to offer advice on your situation and explore ways that could help.

2. Try Blackbullion

This is a brilliant online resource that aims to help students become more confident about their finances. There are short modules to go through on various topics from budgeting, savings and understanding financial terms and jargon, that’ll help you get back on track in no time! It’s free to sign up using your King’s email address.

3. Talk to a Mentor

A King’s Money Mentor that is! These financial gurus are current King’s students who have demonstrated financial resilience and are trained to provide peer support, information and guidance.  As they’re students,  they know what it’s like to survive on a student budget,  so they’ve got lots of tips and advice on how to make the most of your money.

If you want to get your finances back on track join them on  Monday 11th February at Atlas residence for their  ‘Improving your Financial Wellbeing’ workshop.  Full details here