Before you know it, moving day will be here and you’ll be settling into your new home and making yourself familiar with your new surroundings…

Not sure where to start or what is about to happen? I’m here to help! This time last year, I was in the exact same position as you; embarking on a big move to KCL and didn’t really know what to expect.

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The main thing for you to know, is that once you arrive, you’re going to feel both overwhelmed and excited. This will probably last for your first few days – embrace this feeling and everything that’s going on because once it’s all calmed down and you start writing assignments and sitting exams, you’ll wish you got more involved and appreciated it. I did anyway!

Let’s start with packing…






If you’re still not 100% sure on what to buy for the big move into King’s Residences, there are a number of things that you need to make your flat functional but also feel like home. Double check your shopping against the Move In Guide, I found mine super useful! Instead of buying the things you need all at once though, do your shopping gradually to save yourself (and parents) money. This allows you to do numerous trips which will come in useful when you get home and realised you’ve forgotten a frying pan, again, even after 3 trips to IKEA! Yes, I’m speaking from experience. 

Once you’ve bought everything and it’s time to start packing, do this little and often. This will prevent you from panicking a few days before you go. If you’re stressing out, you’re more likely to forget something or end up packing way more than you actually need. Remember, you don’t need to bring everything from your house. I brought some home comforts to King’s with me (photo frames, dressing gown) but realised I couldn’t bring everything that reminded me of home, like my dog! 

Now, what is arrivals really like?

Honestly, arrivals is brilliant. Don’t get me wrong, it depends on the type of person that you are because there is a LOT going on but it’s the perfect opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone and really embrace this exciting change.  Everyone will be a bit nervous and anxious, even if they don’t seem it! 

If you’re anything like me, your first task will be unpacking and making your room feel more homely and just like you. After that, or maybe even during, you’ll have a chance to meet your neighbours and get to know who you’re going to be living with for the next year.

You may struggle with things like finding your way around or feeling a bit upset and overwhelmed and that’s where the CFs come in. These are fellow King’s students who were in the same position as you last year so have experienced all of this before. Go and speak to them as they will advise and help the best they can (they will make themselves known to you). They’re part of the ResiLife programme which provides events and support throughout your time living in King’s Residences. Follow ResiLife on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with what they’re doing and how you can get involved! You can always join your Residence Facebook group too to meet your flatmates before you arrive and get to know each other. Find yours below:

Angel Lane I Atlas I City – Vine Street | Great Dover Street Apartments I Julian Markham House I Moonraker Point I Orchard Lisle & Iris Brook I Stamford Street Apartments I Stratford One | Vauxhall I Wolfson House

If you’re worrying about moving away from home and feeling a bit anxious, try not to let it consume you too much. I felt exactly the same. I worried about being away from my family and leaving my best friends, but with time, it all became normal. I spoke to them pretty much everyday on WhatsApp or on the phone and they even came to visit me. And remember, you can always speak to the ResiLife team who will try to help the best they can!