“The doctor will refuse to see you now”: Queer solidarity for adeno and endo pain

Words: Penny Newell // Paintings: Amber Smyth During the pandemic I was diagnosed with a condition called adenomyosis. I am a gender-nonconforming lesbian who suffers with debilitating period pain.  Early periods in my teenage years were always strangely painful. It was a pain that I saw but did not want to see as my own. …

Statement of Solidarity

We stand in solidarity with those at the University of Roehampton who are facing cuts in the Drama, Theatre & Performance, and Dance departments.  Sixty per cent of Roehampton’s performing arts students are Black or from other minoritised ethnic backgrounds. Cutting these programmes that have been so successful in supporting Black British and other under-represented …

Launch: Performance@ Postgraduate Reading Group

We are excited to announce the launch of the Performance@ Postgraduate Reading Group. Meeting online once a month, our aim is to read, discuss, and share our own and others’ work in an exploratory and supportive environment. In each session the group will either read a combination of theoretical texts and performance studies works, talk …

Restaging the Past: Historical Pageants, Culture and Society in Modern Britain

by Paul Readman, Professor of Modern British History, King’s College London Restaging the Past is a new book is from UCL Press, available for free open-access download here: https://www.uclpress.co.uk/products/123496. Also available for £25 in paperback. Restaging the Past is the first edited collection devoted to the study of historical pageants in Britain, ranging from their Edwardian origins to the …

Burning Questions

by Corrie Tan, Ph.D. Candidate, Theatre Studies, King’s College London and National University of Singapore Throughout July and August 2020, the Southeast Asian arts platform ArtsEquator organised a four-part series of online talks titled Burning Questions. COVID-19 has exposed the extreme precarity of the arts sector in the Southeast Asia region, and ArtsEquator hoped to offer a space for …

COVID-19 letter of solidarity from Performance@

To whom this may concern, We are writing to let you know that we are still here. On Wednesday 6th May, the Performance@ administrators met with Kélina Gotman to talk about how to launch Performance@ in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was invigorating to hear each other’s voices and to see each other’s …