Performance@ is home to cross-faculty research and teaching initiatives in theatre and performance, as well as artistic collaborations and performance events. Launched and led by Dr. Kélina Gotman (Reader in Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of English), affiliated members span English, Philosophy, Modern Languages, Comparative Literature, Liberal Arts, Classics, Culture, Media & Creative Industries, and the Natural & Mathematical Sciences. As an interdisciplinary grouping, Performance@ is assembled primarily from scholars based at King’s College London. Yet by nature of our diversity, this assemblage looks beyond King’s, as we seek to explore the interdisciplinarity of performance and performance studies, sharing diverse investments in performance as a field of practice and as a site for varied critical enquiry.

This website contains information about current members and their creative or academic involvement in performance projects. We hope to facilitate more meeting points and collaborations (both internal to King’s and otherwise), stimulating cross-faculty approaches to how performance studies is taught and researched within the university.

If you would like to get in touch, please contact us at or by sending a message through the Contact page on this site.