Circle U. Challenge!

The Circle U. Challenge brings together international and interdisciplinary student teams from across Europe to develop solutions to authentic challenges faced by civic partners in our regions, cities, and communities. The King’s College London Circle. U Challenge: Designed in collaboration with the London Borough of Lambeth and South London and Maudsley Hospital (SLaM), the King’s College London Circle… More Circle U. Challenge!

From studying Pharmacy to becoming an Entrepreneur: Amrita Raichua-Kaushal

In today’s blog, Amrita Raichua-Kaushal, a former Pharmacy student, talks about her experience as an entrepreneur and why she decided to move away from a career in Pharmacy. Read more to find out how she made that transition into entrepreneurship and how she overcame barriers. What are you doing now?  Currently, I am on my… More From studying Pharmacy to becoming an Entrepreneur: Amrita Raichua-Kaushal

Do you want to start a business? Applications for King’s 20 Accelerator are open!

Do you have a business that you want to start? Here’s everything you need to know to turn that idea into something big. Applications for King’s 20 Accelerator closes at 23:59 on Sunday 12th June 2022.   Am I eligible? The programme is open to any current student, staff member or alumnus from King’s. Each application must have… More Do you want to start a business? Applications for King’s 20 Accelerator are open!

Creativity, Self-promotion, Resilience… What are the entrepreneurial skills and how can students develop them today #MyNextSteps

What are the essential knowledge, attributes, skills and experiences that can make a real difference in today’s changing working world? Read on advice and professional insights from Rebecca Hallam, our entrepreneurial freelance career consultant and today’s guest blogger. … More Creativity, Self-promotion, Resilience… What are the entrepreneurial skills and how can students develop them today #MyNextSteps

Apply for King’s 20 Accelerator programme today!

Ready to build success for your entrepreneurial project? Apply for King’s 20 Accelerator programme! King’s20 Accelerator is a flagship programme of King’s Entrepreneurship Institute. They support 20 of the ‘brightest and highest potential ventures from King’s to reach their potential’. The programme has some great resources to help accelerate entrepreneurial projects from King’s towards success,… More Apply for King’s 20 Accelerator programme today!