Top 20 King’s careers events you DON’T want to miss this Autumn Term 2021!

Read all about what events we have this year and take part in exciting career learning opportunities with industry professionals across all sectors and professions. You don’t have to be interested in any specific careers to attend our events – all students are welcome, whatever stage of career thinking you are at!… More Top 20 King’s careers events you DON’T want to miss this Autumn Term 2021!

Why it’s good to plan BEFORE your first week at Uni: Gain energy and confidence for your Autumn term 2021

Excited about the new academic year starting soon? Us too! After adapting to any changes this year and settling into the routine of study, deadlines and fun activities, we know that the autumn term can get mega busy!  Let’s talk about how setting some simple goals NOW can help you maintain positive wellbeing, gain purpose and confidence in your career journey even when you are busy.… More Why it’s good to plan BEFORE your first week at Uni: Gain energy and confidence for your Autumn term 2021

Opportunity alert: Lloyds Banking Group begins the ’Feel Good Fest’!

We’re passionate about careers opportunities, and we’re even more passionate about feeling good in your career journey. Today’s opportunity is organised by Lloyds Banking Group – starting from January 25th, students can take part in various online experiences “from finance to food and games”, with networking opportunities and fun!… More Opportunity alert: Lloyds Banking Group begins the ’Feel Good Fest’!