Global Placement Stories | William O’Brien at Lloyds Banking Group

William O’Brien is a Chemistry student who completed their placement at Lloyds Banking Group. Read more to find out his top tips when applying for placements and why you should try to get industry experience. Tips for the application processย  This really became my life. Any spare time around my studies I was on LinkedIn,… More Global Placement Stories | William O’Brien at Lloyds Banking Group

Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group part 2

          In this blog, I will walk you through the work I accomplished during the previous months as a Software Engineer IP within Lloyds Banking Group. In the case that you havenโ€™t read my previous blog, Iโ€™ll introduce myself. My name is Noe, I am from France, and I am in… More Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group part 2

How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 3

Welcome back to the final part of how to pass your placement interviews. The last essential thing that you need to do is to practice as much as you can; this will boost your confidence and show the employer that you mean business! There is an old saying that says practice makes perfect and I… More How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 3

How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 2

Welcome back to how to pass your placement interviews. The second part of this three part series will explore why knowing why you want to do a placement and being confident are important components to have to stand out from other candidates.   Know your why and be confidentย  I think this is a very… More How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 2

How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 1

  Every job that you apply, will require of you to pass a job interview and a placement is not an exception. Employers want to see whether you will fit the company, both in terms of the work tasks as well as the company culture. I have written this post to share my personal experience… More How to pass your placement interviews | Advice from Chemistry student Radoslav Petkov part 1

Placement stories: Vladimir Dainovski at Amazon Web Services

Vladimir Dainovski is a current Computer Science student who completed his placement year at Amazon Web Services. This post will give you an overview of his onboarding experience and how easy it is to feel imposter syndrome. When I think of myself a year ago, I would have never thought I would have actually made… More Placement stories: Vladimir Dainovski at Amazon Web Services

Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group

Noe Meillon is a current Computer Science student who completed his placement year at Lloyds Banking Group. This post will give you an overview of his onboarding experience and what to expect when applying for placements.   In this blog, I will walk you through my onboarding journey as a Software Engineer IP within Lloyds… More Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group

Student placements in their own words: Serena at Unilever

In this blog, International Management student Serena Rand Bardi talks about her industrial placement experience in a sustainability role with Unilever. Read more to discover the many ways Serena built knowledge and developed her employability, and how she found career direction,ย  helping businesses through sustainable innovation.… More Student placements in their own words: Serena at Unilever