Student placements in their own words: Jay at Jaivel Aerospace

A placement offers lots of ways to develop your skills – perhaps its the ones that bring you out of your comfort zone that really help you grow! In this blog, Computer Science with Management student Jay talks about what he got out of his placement experience, as well as his advice to students who are currently thinking about a year-in-industry placement.… More Student placements in their own words: Jay at Jaivel Aerospace

Why do a placement year? Nicole, KCL International Management student and Global Placements Ambassador tells her story!

We love to celebrate students who embrace their career journey every step of the way, whether that’s big or small. Today we have the pleasure of welcoming Nicole Fleischer to blog about her placement year journey.… More Why do a placement year? Nicole, KCL International Management student and Global Placements Ambassador tells her story!

Student placements in their own words: Nicole at Google Ltd.

Nicole Fleischer, 3rd year BSc International Management student spent the second half of her year abroad on placement working in Googleโ€™s EMEA Headquarter Offices in Dublin. Read all about her experience and what it was like to move from the offices to a virtual placement during Covid-19.… More Student placements in their own words: Nicole at Google Ltd.

Student placements in their own words: Ana’s journey from placement to a graduate career!

Ana Jalba, Kingโ€™s Alumni and Computer Science with a Year in Industry graduate completed her placement at Nomura in 2016/17 and now works in Software Engineering at Privitar. Two years on, Ana tells us about her career journey since graduating and how her placement helped her along the way!… More Student placements in their own words: Ana’s journey from placement to a graduate career!