New year, new me? | How to get the most out of your learning style

Happy new year everyone, we hope you had a relaxing break and ready to start 2022! Take some time to reflect on last year and how well you were able to stay on track and be productive. It is normal for productivity levels to vary but have you ever thought about what your learning style… More New year, new me? | How to get the most out of your learning style

Unwind for the Christmas break: tips on how to relieve stress

As autumn term draws to an end, you are probably feeling exhausted and want to curl up in bed. This is very understandable as adjusting to hybrid learning can be difficult. It is important to unwind and have a good rest over the Christmas break so that you can come back refreshed, ready to start… More Unwind for the Christmas break: tips on how to relieve stress

How to have a productive, unproductive break | Law student edition

Imogen Hanson, our Employer Relations & Development Adviser, has given some great advice to law students who may currently be doing work experience on how to balance work mode with rest. It is so important to look after yourself, especially after the year we have all had. So, take it easy and enjoy your Christmas… More How to have a productive, unproductive break | Law student edition

Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group

Noe Meillon is a current Computer Science student who completed his placement year at Lloyds Banking Group. This post will give you an overview of his onboarding experience and what to expect when applying for placements.   In this blog, I will walk you through my onboarding journey as a Software Engineer IP within Lloyds… More Placement stories: Noe Meillon at Lloyds Banking Group

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical AI – funded places available for 2022 start!

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical AI – funded places available for 2022 start The UKRI CDT in Biomedical AI at the University of Edinburgh is looking to recruit 12 students to start in September 2022. Students will be fully funded for 4 years (stipend, fees and research support budget). Deadline: 14 January 2022… More UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical AI – funded places available for 2022 start!

Dealing with imposter syndrome as a minority

Communications and Engagement Assistant Fatima Malik has written about imposter syndrome and how it specifically affects people from minority groups. Is this feeling of failure something that you have experienced? Read on to see Fatima’s perspective and what to do to overcome this common feeling. Imposter syndrome can be loosely defined as an internalized belief where… More Dealing with imposter syndrome as a minority