Recent Contributions from King’s Water Hub
On 14 October 2020, Drs. Majed Akhter and Katie Meehan spoke at the Environmental Justice: Race/Environment Webinar hosted by King’s Environmental Society. Both have produced recent research discussing water insecurity and land management. Mr. Meehan’s recent article, “Exposing the myths of household water insecurity in the global north: A critical review,” breaks down misconceptions of clean water in Canada and the United States (click here to see our blog on Dr. Meehan’s work). Dr. Akhtar’s article, “‘Walking the talk’ in land management: Structural factors influencing pro-environmental intention-action links in a tropical watershed,” discusses how land mismanagement is resulting in the ecological devastation of the Savegre river watershed in Costa Rica. The water flowing through the river is being polluted, in part, by “intensive aquaculture and destructive fishing practices” (Espinoza-Cisneros & Akhter 2020, 336).
Upcoming Webinar in November

Through the collaboration of King’s Water and the college’s Climate Action Society, there will be an upcoming talk on climate justice and the right to water. The panel discussion will shed light on the world’s water crisis and inform viewers on water security and rights. Dr. Naho Mirumachi, Senior Lecturer in Geography at King’s College London, will be a guest speaker at the event. Her research interests include water governance and framing of natural resource management. She will be joined by Dr. Birsha Ohdedar, who is currently a Lecturer at the University of Essex School of Law. Viewers will have plenty of time to ask questions!