Hello KCL Resident,

We’re halfway through this year’s Student Switch Off competition, here’s an update on who’s winning so far…

Remind me – what’s Student Switch Off?

Student Switch Off is an energy-saving and recycling competition between all the halls of residence at King’s College London. The aim is to get you thinking about the environment and how small changes to your behaviour really can make a big difference. The hall that gets most involved in the campaign throughout year will win a big delivery of Ben & Jerry’s to say a big thank you. In addition, the block at Champion Hill that tops our leaderboard will be rewarded with Ben & Jerry’s. Plus, there are loads of prizes on offer just for you including tubs of Ben & Jerry’s and NUS extra cards which you can win every two weeks in our Facebook and Instagram (#kclsso) competitions!

How’s my residence doing so far?  

The halfway leaderboard has just been released showing which hall is currently winning, check it out in full here. The Champion Hill leaderboard can also be viewed here. Things can all still change though so make sure to get involved in the photo competitions, sign up here, take part in the Climate Change Quiz, look out for information on our upcoming ambassador training sessions, recycle and save as much energy as you can to get your hall to the top!

I want to help so what can I do?

Everyone can do their bit for the environment, and a great place to start is thinking about energy use. From there you could find out more about other environmental behaviours (like sustainable transport and food to name a few) but it’s a good starting point that everyone can get involved with. Halls of residence are very energy hungry, so any energy-saving you can make will automatically make a difference. Here’s some really easy things you can do today to save energy – switch off lights and appliances when not in use, put a lid on pans when cooking (this saves time too!), recycle as much as you can, save water, layer up instead of turning the heating up and don’t overfill the kettle, but there are loads of other ways to save energy too.

To find out more, you can sign up to our mailing list (and receive environmental top tips every few weeks!), like our Facebook page or check out our website.

Thanks everyone and keep up the energy saving!

 Zoe & the Student Switch Off Team

PS if you have any questions about the campaign or want to get more involved in any way, please email zoe.arnold@nus.org.uk