Author: Wojciech Adamczyk

Is your residence in the lead?

Hello KCL Resident,

We’re halfway through this year’s Student Switch Off competition, here’s an update on who’s winning so far…

Remind me – what’s Student Switch Off?

Student Switch Off is an energy-saving and recycling competition between all the halls of residence at King’s College London. The aim is to get you thinking about the environment and how small changes to your behaviour really can make a big difference. The hall that gets most involved in the campaign throughout year will win a big delivery of Ben & Jerry’s to say a big thank you. In addition, the block at Champion Hill that tops our leaderboard will be rewarded with Ben & Jerry’s. Plus, there are loads of prizes on offer just for you including tubs of Ben & Jerry’s and NUS extra cards which you can win every two weeks in our Facebook and Instagram (#kclsso) competitions!

How’s my residence doing so far?  

The halfway leaderboard has just been released showing which hall is currently winning, check it out in full here. The Champion Hill leaderboard can also be viewed here. Things can all still change though so make sure to get involved in the photo competitions, sign up here, take part in the Climate Change Quiz, look out for information on our upcoming ambassador training sessions, recycle and save as much energy as you can to get your hall to the top!

I want to help so what can I do?

Everyone can do their bit for the environment, and a great place to start is thinking about energy use. From there you could find out more about other environmental behaviours (like sustainable transport and food to name a few) but it’s a good starting point that everyone can get involved with. Halls of residence are very energy hungry, so any energy-saving you can make will automatically make a difference. Here’s some really easy things you can do today to save energy – switch off lights and appliances when not in use, put a lid on pans when cooking (this saves time too!), recycle as much as you can, save water, layer up instead of turning the heating up and don’t overfill the kettle, but there are loads of other ways to save energy too.

To find out more, you can sign up to our mailing list (and receive environmental top tips every few weeks!), like our Facebook page or check out our website.

Thanks everyone and keep up the energy saving!

 Zoe & the Student Switch Off Team

PS if you have any questions about the campaign or want to get more involved in any way, please email



What’s B.U.G.GING You?

Hopefully nothing,  but if you are having any building issues at your residence make sure you go along to the next BUG (Building User Group) meeting.

You can grab some snacks and meet with your residence manager and reception team to discuss any concerns you have, give them feedback and any suggestions of things you’d like to see. They’ll give guidance on resolving your issues and update you on what’s happening in your residence from any upcoming planned works to pest control strategies.

Look out for posters around your residence with details.

Stamford Street Apartments – Thursday 18th January 5pm – 6pm, Reception or Lounge area

Wolfson House – Thursday 18th January, 6pm,  Common Room

Great Dover Street Apartments – Monday 29th January, 12-5pm,  Reception

Champion Hil – Tues 6th February 5pm-6pm,

Welcome back from the ResiLife Team

Hi everyone!

We’re two weeks into the new year already and hopefully you’ve settled back into uni life. We hope that 2018 will bring new and exciting opportunities and this will be a great and successful year.

If you’re new to King’s this term, welcome to residences and the ResiLife blog.  This is a place where you can find useful information, handy tips,  details of activities and events in London and keep up to date with what’s going on at King’s Residences.

Residence Life is all about making connections, getting involved in your residence and opening your mind to new things. So here are a few ways to do so:

Stay connected

Join your official Facebook page so you don’t miss out on what’s happening in your residence. Facebook pages can be found on the right-side bar of our blog.

Also follow our online community and tag yourself and your friends to be eligible for prizes. #kingsresilife #resilife #resilifeskills

Attend a  Kitchen Talk

Your Resident Associates (RAs) will be dropping into your kitchen to have a chat about how your time at King’s is going so far.  This is your chance to discuss anything you like, express any concerns, ideas and suggestions and find out about the activities and events they will be putting on.

Get active with King’s ResiLife

King’s ResiLife is our programme of activities we run throughout the year to give you the opportunity to meet other residents, learn life skills, enjoy free food and drink and of course have fun!

Check out the events calendar to see what’s coming up and look out for details on your  Facebook page and posters around your residences. Activities include games and paint nights, self-defence, cooking, trips to the London Lumiere festival, London galleries and a day-trip to Bath.









Winter Wellbeing Week

With the winter season now upon us, King’s Wellbeing invites you to join us for Winter Wellbeing Week 2017, taking place from the 4th to the 8th of December.  We’ll have a crafternoon to raise money for national mental health charity Mind, with craft activities, festive snacks, winter wellbeing tips and a workshop led by Knit’s College London.  There will also be a ‘Reflect and Connect’ workshop, helping you to take stock of this past year and set goals for 2018 and a Student Minds Look After Your Mate workshop.

Times and Locations

Winter Wellbeing Crafternoon: Wednesday the 6th of December, 12.00-15.00, KCLSU Macadam Lobby, Temple Street entrance, Strand Campus

Reflect and Connect: Looking Back to Move Forwards: Thursday the 7th of December 16.00-17.30, Guy’s Hodgkin Building Classroom 12, Guy’s Campus

Look After Your Mate: Thursday the 7th of December – 11.00-14.00, Henriette Raphael House 3.18, Guy’s Campus

Workshops can be booked here

Keep warm and we hope to see you there!

Student Switch Off Challenge – Climate Change Quiz

Take the Climate Change Quiz for the chance to win 100 tubs of Ben & Jerry’s for your residence:

The four halls from across the UK that get the highest % of their residents completing the quiz win the 100 tubs and even if your residence doesn’t win, you will still go into the draw to win a litre of Ben & Jerry’s for yourself!

You have until Wednesday 22 November to take part so click to take the quiz

Once you’ve completed share and encourage others in your residences to take it too!

Remind me – what’s Student Switch Off?
Student Switch Off is the energy-saving and recycling competition on campus to reduce energy waste in halls. The hall that saves the most energy and recycles the best by the end of this year will win a big delivery of Ben & Jerry’s for everyone in the winning halls!

To find out how you can get involved like our facebook page and website .



Warden’s Winter Warmer

“Oh! The weather outside is frightful,
But the wardens are rather delightful.
And since we’ve no place to go,
Eat some food, play a game, hope for snow!”

Join your wardens for an evening of fun, games, food and the opportunity to get to know them better, whilst having a chat about your time in residences.

Date: Thursday, 23rd November 2017
Time: 8pm
Location: Your Residence, Your Common Room

This Girl Can Week

20-24 November 2017

This Girl Can is a celebration of active women who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets!

To celebrate active women, King’s Sport and KCLSU are coming together to deliver a week of amazing free and fun sports sessions and events.

Click on the link for all event details and get involved and try something new!

 This Girl Can Week

Share your ‘This Girl Can’ experience, stories and pictures on social media throughout the week by tagging @kclsu  and @kingsresilife and using the hashtag #ThisKingsGirlCan  #kingsresilife

For more information and inspiration check out the This Girl Can website:

The Girl Can

ResiLife Update


Just a quick update from the ResiLife Team.

We hope you’ve had a good weekend and things are going well so far, and you’re getting involved with activities and events being put on by your Resident Assistants (RAs).

Don’t know what’s happening in your residence? Make sure you’re signed up to your residence’s official Facebook group and our online community to find out, as well as checking noticeboards and posters in your kitchens, common rooms and lifts.

Your RAs will be holding their next round of kitchen talks over the next couple of weeks, so they’ll be letting you know about what’s coming up such as paint and games nights and trips around London.

We’re busy planning the calendar for the new year but if you have any ideas of things you’d like to see, please let us know – Contact us at

Stay safe and enjoy your week!

The ResiLife Team

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