Post contributed by Community Facilitator Rad

Moving into a new place is one of the most exciting things about starting uni, but it is also quite a monumental task!

But worry not – here at King’s ResiLife we have compiled a comprehensive list of tips and tricks you can use to avoid any hassle and settle into your new home as quickly as possible. It’s a by-product of our collective experience of living in student halls, so you know that these recommendations are worth a try!

Bedroom Hacks


  1. Door tags are a wonderful way to introduce yourself to your flatmates, and not to mention, they look extremely cute! If you are self-isolating, you can also put your social media handles on there so your flatmates can reach out to you online.
  2. Plants fulfil many purposes- apart from adding a pop of colour, they also keep the air in your room fresh and add a homely vibe. Cacti and succulents are extremely popular with students as they require minimal care and are also sold at low prices at local supermarkets.
  3. Photos of friends and family, or postcards of places you have visited are a great way to personalise the space. Websites like Snapfish will print your photos out for you and deliver them to your door. Photographs also go well with fairy lights and will look great on your notice board!


  1. Most rooms in residences have two main areas for storage- under your bed, and on wall-mounted shelves and cabinets. It is best to use the under-bed storage for larger items such as suitcases, and items you do not use often- for instance, you could store your winter clothes under your bed during warmer months. Shelves can be used for books and trinkets, or any other items you need often.
  2. Drawer dividers are an efficient way to organise underwear, socks, and other small items. They make it easy to find your things and utilize drawer space that otherwise might go wasted.
  3. Desk organisation units are a great way to make the most out of your workstation. Most stationery shops like Ryman and WH Smith sell file racks, bookends and pen stands in sets; consider buying these for a more cohesive look!


  1. A list of equipment you will need to maintain a clean bedroom:
  • Multi-purpose spray
  • Glass cleaner spray
  • J-cloths
  • Microfiber clothes 
  • Duster 
  • Dustpan and brush
  • Optional: Mini vacuum

**Pro tips: Try talking to your flatmates about pitching in to buy a set of these for everyone’s use!

2. Make a cleaning timetable for yourself. Look at your university timetable and extracurricular activities and find the days which work best for you to clean do your laundry and freshen up your room. Your laundry day might be different than your cleaning day!

3. Here is the most efficient set of steps to clean your room, so that you don’t have to repeat any task:

  • Dust: When dusting, make sure you work from top to bottom, left to right. This way you’re not scattering dust on surfaces you have already cleaned.
  • Glass: Wipe mirrors with a microfiber cloth and some glass cleaner spray, also useful for picture frames.
  • Wipe surfaces: Wipe surfaces using a j-cloth and some multi-purpose spray.
  • Vacuum: After dusting / wiping, vacuum your room. Make sure you go under your desk too!
  • Take out the trash!! Take the rubbish out your bin and replace the bin-liner. Make sure you take the rubbish to your buildings rubbish room and separate into recycling/rubbish.

4. Clean up spillages as soon as they happen. Take out old plates and used dishes when you are done eating- this way your room won’t smell of old food.

5. Since candles and incense sticks are not allowed in residences, you may use room spray or a reed diffuser to make your room smell nice. Reed diffusers can be bought at Sainsbury’s for £3.

We hope that these tips are helpful for you! Tag us on social media using #kingsresilife if you use these so we can see you thriving in residences!