Many students battle with finding time to fit all the things they need to do in one day. You may have the perfect food prep and exercise routine all figured out in preparation for that summer body or more importantly for a healthy balanced life but what is your sleep pattern like?

We often sacrifice sleep in order to fit in studying, working, socialising and everything in between.  Sleeping may seem like a waste of valuable time, especially in the run-up to exam period but you could actually be developing revision skills whilst sleeping.

According to Inner Drivesleep enhances the very skills you need when studying. Some of the benefits include :

Better Concentration

Better Memory Recall

Aids Creativity

Helps You Make Better Decisions

Reduced Focus on Negative Things

Stronger Immune System


We found this talk by educator Shai Marcu really informative in expanding on the benefits of sleep.





Do you notice a difference in your productivity depending on the amount of sleep you have had?

Share with us in the comments below.