Computer science opens a world that constantly challenges you, and I can never opt out of a challenge. Especially one that equips you with transferable skills to other lines of work, study, life, and most importantly, makes you part of a community that is open-minded and supportive.
When I was choosing the degree I wanted to pursue at university, I was deciding between two things – either finance or mathematics. I have always been mesmerised by mathematics and how you can explain the real world with long formulas, a bit of creative thinking, and a lot of patience. My interest in mathematics developed throughout my high school years when I started reading more about financial mathematics, the markets, and economics. I was curious to know more about the tools that connect these worlds, and that is where Computer Science became part of my journey.
I realised that in the 21st century, there is another field that underpins both finance and maths – computer science. Without it, the rapid advances we see almost ubiquitously today, would never have been possible. It was the perfect middle ground for me – it provided concepts and ideas from the theoretical world that can be applied beautifully in practice. I’ve now had almost 2 years experience of daily programming, working on team software projects, and grasping abstract concepts, I would say I very much enjoy studying Computer Science and being a woman in STEM.
One of the most important factors that made me choose to pursue a degree in Computer Science is that it develops your problem-solving, critical thinking, and complex analytical skills. It challenges you every day to think about real-life problems and how to solve them. But it also teaches you that solutions do not come easy and that not everything may be found in a book or online resource. A person should research, collaborate with others, and think about different perspectives until they reach a solution.
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