Stay Alert to Scams!

Have you received any suspicious messages or calls asking for your personal details or bank accounts? Whenever you’re asked to share your details or pay another person, you should be aware of scams. Unfortunately, there are numerous different kinds of scams that target students every year and becoming a victim of scams can have a huge impact …

‘Be Aware of Scams!’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

So, I got scammed…  You know that gut feeling you get when something is too good to be true, you should probably listen to that! I had just moved houses and I was looking for a good hoover but all the Dysons and Sharks were way out of budget. I came across this site along the lines of, which sold vacuum …

‘Surviving Scams’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

Banking situation: A situation I would like to talk about is one that has probably affected millions across the UK and happens daily. Last month I nearly fell victim to a scam which could have affected my ability to complete my masters. What I did? I was sent a text message which said that my bank account had been used to make an …