As a student, finances can be a major concern, especially if you live away from home. It is therefore useful to know that financial help is available for those that need it! This short post will hopefully put you at ease by recapping the main scholarships and bursaries available to you and how to apply for them.
King’s Living Bursary
If you require extra financial support, King’s can help by providing extra funding through the King’s Living Bursary. You can receive this if you meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Undertaking a first, full-time undergraduate degree or Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)
- Qualify for home fee status and Student Finance England (SFE) maintenance support
- Have been means-tested by SFE with a final assessed household income of £42,875 or less
- Liable for £9,250 tuition fees (exceptions for year abroad/extra mural years or where special fees have been agreed)
You can check out more at King’s Living Bursary 2024-25.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Funding Opportunities
King’s offer many scholarships and bursaries for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This is particularly useful for international students who are not eligible for funding from the UK government. You can find all the possible funds you can apply for, along with the application details here, where you can use the filter option to find funding opportunities suitable for you. There are over 90 possible scholarships you can apply for!
Hardship Funds
If you feel as though you require some extra financial support, consider looking into the different hardship funds available to KCL students. To apply, you need to be a home student and meet one of the criteria found on the King’s Hardship Funds website. If you’re successful, you can be eligible for £250-£3,500! If you’re an international student, you don’t need to worry. There’s a separate International Hardship Fund that you can apply for, where students can receive up to £6,000.
Hopefully this post has made it clearer what types of financial help are available at King’s. There’s no harm in applying so make sure to check out some of the options and decide which ones would benefit you most!
Hirra Yasir
King’s Student Money Mentor
Part of Money & Housing Advice
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