National Student Money Week 2023: Campaign Reflection 

Throughout this week, our Money Mentor team thoroughly enjoyed interacting with our fellow peers on and off campus! We hope you found our various tips on money helpful. As we wrap up our campaign, a current and a former Money Mentor decided to write a reflection on our week.  Our ‘umbrella’ theme, ‘Navigating the numbers: …

National Student Money Week – The Cost-of-living Crisis

Hi there KCL! With all that’s currently going on in the world and the economy nowadays, I know it can be challenging at the moment for us students to afford the cost-of-living. Lots of us feel like our loans, grants and savings aren’t going as far as they once might’ve in the past, and are …

National Student Money Week – Reducing Costs & Saving:

Hi there KCL! With the cost-of-living crisis hitting all of us quite hard, we know lots of you will be looking extra hard for ways to save money at the moment. With that in mind, we thought we’d want to share with you some ‘money diaries’ a couple of our mentors have been keeping, to …