National Student Money Week 2023: Campaign Reflection 

Throughout this week, our Money Mentor team thoroughly enjoyed interacting with our fellow peers on and off campus! We hope you found our various tips on money helpful. As we wrap up our campaign, a current and a former Money Mentor decided to write a reflection on our week.  Our ‘umbrella’ theme, ‘Navigating the numbers: …

National Student Money Week – Extra support from King’s

In recent times, there has been increasing global economic hardship. Students, especially those at university, are greatly feeling the impact of this situation. There can be a lot of anxiety and worry regarding how one might survive at university and withstand the current financial situation. As a result of this, King’s has created various avenues …

National Student Money Week 2023 – Navigating the numbers: cost of living

Our annual campaign, National Student Money Week, is returning for 2023! Given the ongoing cost of-living-crisis, we are focusing on supporting our fellow students about making the most out of our money. We – a current and a former Money Mentor – will share our experiences with our previous National Student Money Week campaigns and …