World Mental Heath Day 2018 – We’re here for you

Mental health – we’ve all got it.

Mental health is just like physical health; everybody has it and needs to look after it.

That’s a recent comment from MIND, and they’re right. And we believe that, just like physical health, our mental health can vary at different times in our lives for a mixture of reasons, not all within our control. So, we wanted to take the chance today, on #WorldMentalHealthDay2018 to let you know that you are warmly invited to use the support of King’s Careers & Employability and to bring your mental health with you if you need to!

Typical things that students come and talk through with us include ways to seek work experience while looking after their mental health, and how to select career options which won’t throw their wellbeing out of whack. It’s common too to be concerned about the pros and cons of talking with a prospective employer about mental health, and how to explain any gaps on your CV which may have come about while you’ve been managing your mental health.

Sometimes students are quite surprised that it’s OK to come and get support from us about things related to their mental health and work. A student who came into see us recently about this told us:

I was able to gain a great amount of clarity about the decisions I need to make through my conversation.”

So, a reminder once again, you are warmly invited to bring your mental health to meetings with us!

You can book a careers guidance appointment with a Careers Consultant on any King’s campus. If you feel you need a little bit longer to talk through things, you’ve also got the option to book a 30 minute appointment via the email.

We really look forward to seeing you. In the meantime, don’t forget that there’s lots of good support at King’s for your mental health including Counselling and Mental Health Support and the Disability Advisory Service.

Here are a couple of other resources that students have found useful:

Student Minds

My Plus Students’ Club

Thanks to Sue Moseley, Senior Careers Consultant here, for writing this piece.