Why Submit Research to a Conference?

Are you conducting high quality and extensive research which has the potential to be presented to experts and professionals? Taking the leap and submitting your research to a conference could be your next personal as well as career milestone.

First and foremost, submitting your research to be presented at a conference helps you spread the word about something you are passionate about. Sharing a piece of work which you have been working on for a long time at a professional event feels incredibly rewarding. By presenting your work you will get useful feedback from the other participants which can reinforce what you are doing well and let you know where you can improve. Getting feedback and discussing your work with experts is useful for your personal and academic development.

Submitting your research to a conference is also a huge career opportunity!

Most importantly, it gets your name and work known among experts in the field of your choice. Presenting your work to a group of experts and professionals is a substantial step in establishing your presence in the relevant field and demonstrating that you are serious about your interests. The conference will often require you to present the research you have submitted, helping you to develop your public speaking and presentation skills. The question & answer session that may also follow your presentation is great for practicing your interview technique. Networking is a large part of conferences so you will also get the chance to talk to experts and fellow researchers. Taking the opportunity to talk to them will help them remember you and your impressive work, as well as help you gather contacts for future research collaborations and work opportunities.

Needless to say, the fact that your research has been accepted at a conference is a huge boost to your CV. It shows that you are dedicated to your field of interest and produce innovative and high quality work. The additional skills you acquire through presenting your work are also great additions to your CV or any cover letter.

Submitting your research to a conference brings you a step closer to getting your work published, which is every researcher’s dream. It is of course a large career advantage for anyone but is especially important if you are planning to pursue a career in academia!

So take pride in your work and start submitting!