Upskilling for Success: Informatics Students Benefit from Microsoft’s Digital Skills Event

In an effort to enhance career and employability skills among our students, Maher Salem the career and employability lead at the department of informatics recently hosted a groundbreaking virtual event featuring Microsoft. This event was designed to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry requirements, providing our students with essential digital skills and certifications… More Upskilling for Success: Informatics Students Benefit from Microsoft’s Digital Skills Event

Global Placement Stories | Esther Okusanya at Microsoft as a Technology Strategist

Esther Okusanya is a current Computer Science with Management student at King’s College London. In this entry of Global Placement Stories, Esther Okusanya talks about her tips to secure a placement, and what her role at Microsoft entails! Tips for Securing a Placement  Start early  Utilise King’s Careers for reviewing CVs and Cover Letters and… More Global Placement Stories | Esther Okusanya at Microsoft as a Technology Strategist