Breaking the 4th wall: What’s a student’s journey through careers appointments like? 

You hear about careers services and appointments… but sometimes you just don’t know what to expect. Is it for you? What if you don’t really know how to describe your situation in the first place? In this blog, we’re hoping to break the fourth wall and discuss what really happens at a careers guidance appointment. … More Breaking the 4th wall: What’s a student’s journey through careers appointments like? 

King’s Internships 2020 – what are the Advance and Springboard programmes?

King’s Internships have launched a new portfolio to help King’s students access work experience. What are the Advance and Springboard programmes like? Find out all about these internship programmes and how King’s Internships helps students in breaking barriers and finding inclusive work experience during university!… More King’s Internships 2020 – what are the Advance and Springboard programmes?

A peek into the future of Creative Industries – A Covid-19 update (Part 1)

The creative industries, like many others, have been subject to a lot of change due to Covid-19. For graduates thinking about finding work within the creative industries, we gathered industry trends to look out for and what graduates can do today to stay employable and competitive.… More A peek into the future of Creative Industries – A Covid-19 update (Part 1)

8 core skills for careers in public and global health

A panel of inspiring public and global health professionals joined us on campus in February for our Discover Careers in Public and Global Health event. Their experience spans consultancy, global NGOs and smaller charities, research and academia. They all gave a clear message that careers in public and global health are not linear. So let… More 8 core skills for careers in public and global health