Posters in Parliament – what’s that all about?

We have another guest post from Andy in the King’s Experience team today. Andy is here to tell you a little bit about the annual Posters in Parliament competition, which King’s participated in this year (for the first time!). Read on to find out more about this excellent opportunity to present your research… 

King’s participated in ‘The annual Posters in Parliament’ competition this year for this first time, which brings together a remarkable collection of the best undergraduate research from across the country.

The event provided the opportunity for over 50 undergraduate students, representing universities from across the UK, to exhibit their research in Westminster. The exhibition is inspired by the US Posters on the Hill event, where students are sent by their universities to present their work to the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Posters in Parliament gives the opportunity for legislators and policy makers to see first-hand some of the innovative research taking place around the country.  Along with the opportunity for students to present their research work in the Houses of Parliament.

King’s sent two students to present their work this year who had taken part in the King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship scheme. Kwan Long Wong from the faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences presented his project titled ‘‘Functional’ Imaging Biomarkers for Cancer.’ Laura Wilson from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) presented hers, titled ‘Do antipsychotic drugs cause inflammation in the brain?’ Both students had participated in the King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship scheme.

The event is part of the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR), an open coalition of universities dedicated to encouraging a national culture of undergraduate research. BCUR grows every year, giving more undergraduate students the opportunity to experience real research at the cutting edge of their field. Many of them go on to publish their work in highly-rated journals and then develop their research even further as postgraduate research students.

King’s is sending a group of students to present their research at BCUR this year which is taken place in Cardiff and Hosted by the University of South Wales.

For any information about the schemes mentioned above please contact