Introducing the King’s Internships: Advance and Springboard schemes

On blog duty today is our Internships Assistant Melissa Larkin, with details of two exciting new schemes being run by the King’s Internships team.

Finding and applying for an internship is hard work! But let me tell you- it is worth it! They’re a great way to gain work experience, meet loads of interesting professionals and explore different career paths. Here at King’s we are committed to making sure ALL students of ALL backgrounds and ALL abilities have equal access to these opportunities. With this in mind, King’s Careers & Employability are proud to introduce (drum roll please….) The King’s Internships: Springboard and Advance Programmes!

King’s Internships: Springboard

This a new internship scheme offering 8 students of black ethnicities the opportunity to undertake an exclusive, paid 4 week internship over summer 2018.

The number of UK-domiciled black and minority ethnic (BME) students starting full-time first degrees increased by 9.1 per cent in 2015-16 compared with the previous year, but are still under-represented in many sectors. University services offer all students great opportunities to grow, not only academically but also professionally during their time in higher education, and with this in mind the Springboard programme has been designed to encourage more BME students to take on an internship this summer!

King’s Internships: Springboard is exclusively open to King’s students who are of one or more of the following ethnicities:

    • Black British;
    • Black or Black British – Caribbean;
    • Black or Black British – African;
    • Black or Black British – Any other Black background;
    • Mixed – White & Black British;
    • Mixed – White & Black African;
    • Mixed – White & Black Caribbean;
    • Mixed – Black & Any other background

King’s Internships: Advance

This scheme enables 8 disabled students at King’s to undertake paid internships within London businesses over summer 2018.

Looking for interview or application advice? Come and talk to one of our advisers! You are always welcome to book an appointment through and you can email if you’ve any questions. Disclosing a disability is a personal choice and you can always talk to us, or the Disability Advisory service, about this. You’ll also find advice on discussing your disability with employers, and preparing for interviews here.

Tell me more about these Internships schemes…

The internships will run for 4 weeks, full time (35 hours per week) over the months of June and July 2018. The internships should all start on Monday 18th June and will run until Friday 13th July.

The internships will be based in the offices of a variety of businesses and sectors, around London.

And yes, all the internships will be PAID at £10.20 per hour, which is equivalent to London Living Wage.

You will be able to search and find the opportunities on King’s CareerConnect, and can apply for up to 3 internships. The applications will open Monday 2nd April and the deadline to apply is Friday 27th April 2018.

Did someone say Events?

The King’s Internships team ran four events last week, talking you through how King’s can support you through the process of applying, and right through the internship and its completion, in order to help you make the most from your internship experience.

Missed out on them in person? Fear not, as they were recorded for exactly this sort of situation! You can find them on the KEATS page that stores all of our event recordings, under the King’s Internships box.

Read more about the new Springboard and Advance Internship opportunities on the King’s Internships Website. And of course, if you have any questions about King’s Internships please just email us or call 020 7848 1376.