Are you confused about your career options once your sweet student life comes to an end?

Do you feel pressured to decide on your career path already when you only have a vague idea of what your options even are?… More JUST DO IT.


As Living Wage Week begins, one of Freshwater’s new interns, Amy Wallace, writes about what she’s learnt in her first six weeks on the job and why a paid internship is unlocking her potential… Finishing university is an exciting but somewhat stressful time for any graduate; the joy and adulation is often swiftly replaced with ‘the… More #LivingWageWeek

The Low Down on PhDs

Blog post by Donald Lush, Careers Consultant  I’m a careers consultant for researchers and I’m often asked ‘as a PhD, when is the best time to seek your advice?’ The answer, which isn’t meant to be cheeky, is ‘before you apply for your PhD’.  Understanding why you are taking on an intense three year research… More The Low Down on PhDs

Little Or Large: Should You Work For A Start-Up Or A Big Corporation?

We’ve all heard of the big ones. Google. M&C Saatchi. IBM. And to some extent the hype is real; these big names can be a huge boost to a young person’s CV. But what about the little players – the start-ups and burgeoning enterprises pushing through at the bottom of the business fishpond? Working for… More Little Or Large: Should You Work For A Start-Up Or A Big Corporation?