At Least It Sounded Good: Ten Tips on How to Improve your Presentation Skills

In today’s blog, LLM student Imogen Todd talks about an all-important topic… presentation skills! Whether you’re doing a presentation for your course, or for a group of managers at work, there are at least ten things you can learn to enhance your skills…… More At Least It Sounded Good: Ten Tips on How to Improve your Presentation Skills

Why it’s good to plan BEFORE your first week at Uni: Gain energy and confidence for your Autumn term 2021

Excited about the new academic year starting soon? Us too! After adapting to any changes this year and settling into the routine of study, deadlines and fun activities, we know that the autumn term can get mega busy!  Let’s talk about how setting some simple goals NOW can help you maintain positive wellbeing, gain purpose and confidence in your career journey even when you are busy.… More Why it’s good to plan BEFORE your first week at Uni: Gain energy and confidence for your Autumn term 2021

Opportunity alert: everis invites early-stage student entrepreneurs to the Global eAwards!

Many KCL students are keen problem-solvers and early entrepreneurs, whether you’ve demonstrated this in your own start up, degree project or independently! Would you like to get recognised by your changemaking projects? Then check this out!… More Opportunity alert: everis invites early-stage student entrepreneurs to the Global eAwards!

Competition highlight! Worley seeks students to join circular economy competition with a chance to win a paid summer internship!

Looking for a way to apply your ideas to an exciting real-life project and potentially win a summer internship? Then check out this competition from Worley. The following was written by Worley: We’re running a competition for university students in the UK to celebrate COP26. If you win, you’ll join us for a paid summer… More Competition highlight! Worley seeks students to join circular economy competition with a chance to win a paid summer internship!

Competition alert! Design the cover for the next Best Student Employers Guide from RateMyPlacement

If you’ve got a keen eye for design, you’re a current student and want a chance to build your design portfolio with potential for grand prizes, then read on! (Deadline Friday 23 July!)… More Competition alert! Design the cover for the next Best Student Employers Guide from RateMyPlacement

Industry insights to education and teaching: Tutors Green reflect on Covid-19 impact on the Education sector + Interview tips!

If you’re planning for a career in education or teaching, then keep reading! As the effects of Covid-19 on young people’s education become more and more obvious, guest blogger Kitty at TutorsGreen offers insights from the industry through Tutoring, as well as tips on the top qualities to present at an interview.… More Industry insights to education and teaching: Tutors Green reflect on Covid-19 impact on the Education sector + Interview tips!

Breaking the 4th wall: What’s a student’s journey through careers appointments like? 

You hear about careers services and appointments… but sometimes you just don’t know what to expect. Is it for you? What if you don’t really know how to describe your situation in the first place? In this blog, we’re hoping to break the fourth wall and discuss what really happens at a careers guidance appointment. … More Breaking the 4th wall: What’s a student’s journey through careers appointments like? 

Waiting to hear from employers? Our 6 tips to staying patient and why your application is taking so long

You might have spent lots of time developing your application skills and now… it’s just time to wait. When you’re waiting to hear back from recruiters, many feel stressed or anxious. Caroline Lindner, Career Consultant talks about developing patience and what to do during the ‘waiting period’.… More Waiting to hear from employers? Our 6 tips to staying patient and why your application is taking so long