We understand finance and budgeting can get challenging for some students. Hence we have a range of people who can and will help you out with this.
Advice and Guidance Team
The Advice & Guidance Team is a team of specialist advisers who can support you with a range of concerns that you may encounter during your time at university. Whether you need information to help you to find work or accommodation, want to find out about how changes in your personal circumstances will affect your studies or need specific financial, legal and practical advice, we can help. We operate a number of initiatives such as Money Mentors and KCL flatmate finder, as well as running events such as Parents and Carers get togethers to help you make connections with your peers and to support each other. They produce Advice Guides on topics including budget planning and financial hardship, house hunting
and international student issues. They can also direct you to an alternative service within the university if that is more appropriate and we can also help you with approaching or applying to outside organisations if that is what you need.
King’s Student Money Mentors
King’s Student Money Mentors are current students at King’s College London who value the importance of financial education and are passionate about King’s students being as money savvy as possible. They aim to help fellow peers make the most out of their money and create a decent budgeting plan. They provide guidance on several matters relating to money such as spending, saving and future planning. They know where to find the best and trustworthy discounts and deals in London. They will also advise you on potential scams and financial problems and work closely with the KCL Advice & Guidance advisers to feedback the student experience and help shape the policies that provide financial assistance at King’s. They run workshops, campaigns, online events, one to one peer support and alot more! You can also apply to be a money mentor yourself if you are good with money
Scholarships and Bursaries
King’s offers many scholarships and bursaries to undergraduate students. Check out the following webpage where you can find the list, have a look through it and see if you are eligible to apply for any of them. Further opportunities are advertised as and when they come so please keep checking the page regularly for new information and funding oppo
rtunities. The webpage is: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/fees-and-funding/student-funding/scholarships-and-bursaries.
Hardship Funds, Loans and Grants
King’s also offers Hardship Funds for those who might be in financial difficulty and need extra support to continue their course at King’s. Student loans and grants are also offered by King’s with government assistance. Some of the loans provided include tuition fee loan and maintenance loans. A grant for maintenance and/or special support is also available. Information provided on these pages changes frequently so please keep an eye out for updated information before applying.
Support looks very different for everyone and hence our course holds engagement sessions regularly, where we can voice our concerns or doubts with our programme leaders and team. We have effortlessly been able to postpone our exam and coursework deadlines due to personal circumstances and were always treated respectfully by everyone around us during these tough times. Especially during COVID-19, the support we received was remarkable and the transition to online teaching and learning was smoother than expected. Support is available for everyone!
Part-Time Jobs
There are many ways to also earn some extra pocket money by working part-time jobs on campus either as a student ambassador or with KCLSU. Make sure to check your visa restrictions which are imposed on the number of hours you can work, especially if you are an international student.
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