We recognise that PGT student life is very different to that of an undergraduate. We also understand how the needs, goals and drive for every PGT student will be different. Some of you will be working alongside your studies, juggling family life, making a big financial commitment or maybe returning to study after some time – maybe even all of these! We are therefore set up to guide and support you in being a successful postgraduate student at the IoPPN.
People – The Education Support Team at the IoPPN are available to assist and support you in the more practical aspects of your student journey, to complement the academic and welfare support you receive from your academic programme team.
Communications – In addition to the specific content and resources available for you on KEATS (our virtual learning environment) keep an eye out for the IoPPN e-Circulars highlighting opportunities, events and interest stories for PGT students.
Network and connections – building relationships and engaging with opportunities are key to maximising your experience as a postgraduate student. We work closely with colleagues, such as the Career’s Services to ensure we are supporting the specific needs of our students.
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