Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at King's College London

I am proud to be

In double celebration of Black History Month’s 2021 theme of ‘Proud To Be’ & a special birthday, Sarah Guerra, Director of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at King’s has penned poem to mark the momentous month.

image of sarah guerra, director of equality, diversity and inclusion

Sarah Guerra, Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at King’s College London.

I am proud to be 

A daughter of immigrants (They get the job done. Yes, I am proud to be 

a Hamilton fan, too.)

A diasporic Trini and Mauritian and grateful for all the roti that’s brought to my life 

Politically black even with my light brown sugar skin  

A daughter of nurses and a lifelong devotee and beneficiary of the NHS 

Someone who started life in that council block in Joyce Avenue, N18 

A sister of a Met police officer (but terrified at what tragedy any day might bring) 

A mother of four unbelievable young women who will all leave their indelible mark on the world (and on me!) 

A committed and demanding partner for life – Who knew my Beautiful Stranger awaited me at that Somerset House basement party? (I only want to be with you.) 

Surprised to discover the joy of hard cardio in my fourth decade, such a regular at Tooting Leisure Centre that they all know me (Yes, Citizen Khan is an icon, cheers Adil) 

A born and bred Londoner – unusual for being from ‘the North’ and now joyous in Tooting – have you been? Home of Sadiq and in Lonely Planet’s top 10 coolest neighbourhoods on EARTH (the Guerra effect?)  

A survivor – of rape and sexual assault, and of racism and sexism in a world that has tried its best to keep me down 

An Equality Warrior battling for the rights of everyone, particularly those society often chooses to overlook  

Seen by others as brave, adventurous, scary and hilarious 

An Olympic standard Netflix binger (other providers are available) and avaricious reader and cinema enthusiast (Shonda, Ava, Steve, Spike, Zora, Zadie, Toni, Chimamanda thank you for enriching my life so!) 

A world traveller – 42 countries at my last count (a real source of pride and pleasure) 

A foodie – pondering food, cooking and eating are really some of my most favourite activities 

Channelling the gifts of Maya Angelou: Still I rise in my career despite the snakes and ladders, concrete ceilings, glass cliffs and ritual humiliations  

A brown girl in the ring at King’s – all too often the only one 

A smart woman and a thought leader. People listen when I talk, and they remember my name (picture and hear Irene Cara here – Fame, I’m going to live forever) 

Someone who may have no rhythm and be tone deaf but who dances to the beat of her own drum (and sings the tunes in her own head – thank you Tracy, Madonna, Tina and Beyonce for being the soundtrack of my life)! 

Someone who loves passionately and commits evangelically to what she believes in  

I am proud to be me – my own little piece of black history celebrating my half century 

A black, bi, menopausal, warrior princess  

Sarah Guerra  

Happy Black History Month 2021 and Happy 50th Birthday to me. 





Learn more about Black History Month 2021 – Proud To Be – here.

1 Comment

  1. Ian

    Celebrate you “Warrior Princess”. Proud to be in your Circle. Lots of love for your contribution to black history month, everyday and every month. Lots of love for your contribution to a better world and life. Take good care Sarah Guerra.

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