A new article in Plos One indicates that IPV adversely impacts on health over a 16 year period and across generations


plos one australian longitudinal study

Researchers in an Australian study have shown the impact of intimate partner violence  (IPV) on long term health problems for women and their children using longitudinal data. They found this for all cohorts of the women recruited in the Australian Longitudinal study on Women’s health, the participants are made up of  three birth cohorts (1973-78, 1946-1951 and 1921-26). For all cohorts, women who had lived with IPV were more likely to report poorer mental health, physical function and general health and higher levels of bodily pain.

The findings did show some generational differences for example younger women showed a reduction in health association with the onset of IPV which was not apparent for women in the older two groups.

The women were originally randomly selected from the Australian Medicare (i.e. national health insurer) database in 1996 and asked if they would participate in the longitudinal and health wellbeing survey.

 Please find more information on the paper here.


Interviews with speakers at the York University conference on women and substance use

york pic women cocaine

As previously mentioned last week, a group of experts representing research, treatment and policy gathered in York. Their aim for the day was to try and take stock of what we already know and what needs to be done about Women and Drugs. The day was organised by Ian Hamilton and chaired by Sharon Grace from the University of York.

Ian Hamilton suggests there are two parallel problems with women and drugs: ‘first we know less about women’s use of drugs than men’s drug use. Secondly we need more women to be represented in research and senior academic positions related to this topic. By addressing both aspects we would not only improve our understanding of the issues women who use drugs face,  but this could also improve the care and support we offer men in treatment.’

Please find interviews with key speakers at the York conference on women and substance use here these interviews discuss topics as diverse as women’s positions in academia and addictions, expectations for the day, discussion of gender based specific services, trauma informed care and stigma felt by female users and work on sleep and recovery.