Police awarded 11.3 million in England and Wales to target domestic abuse interventions

The Home Office has awarded £11.3 million to 25 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) in England and Wales, to be targeted towards domestic abuse intervention programmes. The programmes focus on interventions encouraging behaviour change to stop perpetrators from committing domestic abuse. Funding will also focus on key areas such as stalking prevention and supporting adolescent perpetrators.

 To secure funding, commissioners were able to bid for up to three projects in partnership with a local service provider of their choice. The programmes use different methods to encourage behaviour change, including 1-to-1 and group therapy and community-based activity.

Key objectives of the programmes include:

  • Reduction in the frequency and gravity of abuse
  • Reduction in the risk posed by the perpetrator
  • Improved safety and protection for victims

Specific interventions and projects across the country which the funding will go towards include:

  • Providing targeted support to address substance misuse, mental health and unemployment
  • Compulsive and Obsessive Behaviour programmes to address behaviours linked to stalking
  • Behavioural change courses for children and adolescents who are abusive violent or using self-destructive behaviour

Perpetrator support work in schools including healthy relationships education, delivered by professionals as part of the relationship and sex education requirement of schools.

Research into perpetrator interventions is key to understanding the issue of domestic abuse, the Home Office also intends to conduct an evaluation of activity later in the financial year. The evaluations will be used to inform funding plans for future years and to ensure a more targeted approach to any future funding.