Marking a decade and then some: Developments in transboundary water analysis

King’s Water has been an active partner of the London Water Research Group and over the years hosted numerous workshops and events. The London Water Research Group is a vibrant network of 100+ international water professionals, activists and scholars from over 10 countries dedicated to understanding and influencing transboundary water management, politics and policy. Spanning across multiple disciplines, the group has published key articles on the deeply political nature of water cooperation, governance, water security and the political economy of water use. From King’s Water, master’s, PhD students, researchers now in academic positions and professionals have been involved in the development of this international network.

Now the London Water Research Groups marks a milestone with members publishing a capstone paper “Transboundary ‘hydro-hegemony’: 10 years later” in the journal WIREs Water. The paper traces the establishment and progress of transboundary water analysis of the group, now often known as the ‘London School’, and discusses future directions for scholarship. Authors of the paper are: Jeroen Warner (Wageningen University); Naho Mirumachi (King’s Water, KCL); Rebecca L. Farnum (King’s Water, KCL); Mattia Grandi (Independent Researcher); Filippo Menga (University of Reading; former visiting student to King’s); Mark Zeitoun (University of East Anglia).

Previous publications of the London Water Research Group can be found here. Requests of copies of the paper in WIREs Water are welcome to Naho Mirumachi as well.
