Dr Lizzie Stewart

Dr Lizzie Stewart is Lecturer in Modern Languages, Culture and Society; cross-appointed to the Departments of German, French and SPLAS. Having studied Modern Languages (German and Russian) at the University of Edinburgh, Lizzie did an AHRC-funded MSc. in European Theatre and PhD in German at the same institution. Her research explores cultures of migration, with a dual focus on theatre, and the relationship between labour migration and cultural production. Her first monograph, ‘Staging New German Realities: Turkish-German Scripts of Postmigration’ (forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan), brings a theatre and performance studies perspective into the scholarly discourse on Turkish-German culture and the after-effects of labour migration. It unpacks the complex relationship between the behavioural ‘scripts’ society prescribes for its minority subjects, the literal scripts produced by those subjects, and the creation of new concepts of identity and performance practice which arise from the realisation of these scripts in performance.

Broadly, Lizzie is interested in post/migration and performance, including the ways in which institutional structures, funding, and policy affect both the aesthetics and practice of theatrical work produced in the German and EU context. Before coming to King’s as a Lecturer in 2017, she held positions at University of Edinburgh, University of St Andrews, and University of Cambridge. Working between Modern Languages and Theatre/Performance Studies, she is also interested in strengthening links between Germanophone and Anglophone academic, educational, and practitioner discourses around migration and theatre.

Theatre and Performance Publications


 ‘“The Future Market and the Current Reality”: Interculturalism in the German Context’, in Interculturalism and Performance Now, ed. by Charlotte MacIvor and Jason King (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). 

‘Postmigrant Theatre: The Ballhaus Naunynstraße takes on Sexual Nationalism,’ Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 9.2 (2017): 56-68.

‘Ümmü in Alamania? Female Voice and Song in the Premiere Production of Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s Karagöz in Alamania (1986)’, Oxford German Studies, 45.3 (2016), 252-74.

‘Countermemory and the (Turkish-)German Theatrical Archive: Reading the Documentary Remains of Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s Karagöz in Alamania (1986),’ Transit, 8.2 (2013) <http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/0fq2m874>.

Invited Speaker at Ballhaus Naunynstraße theatre 10 year celebrations (Berlin, May 2016). German-language report here: https://de.qantara.de/inhalt/zehn-jahre-postmigrantisches-theater-in-deutschland-bis-wir-ueberfluessig-sind 

‘Neco Çelik: Postmigrant Theatre in Germany’: theatre workshop, film screening, & public discussion on ‘Theatre and Interculturalism in Germany and Scotland’ (Edinburgh, May 2015). Event web-page:  https://www.blogs.hss.ed.ac.uk/neco-celik/postmigrant-theatre/