Dr Daniele Vecchiato

Dr Daniele Vecchiato is Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Department of German at King’s College London. He studied German, English and Comparative Literature in Venice, Marburg and Berlin before undertaking a bi-national PhD at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Humboldt University of Berlin (2010-14). During his studies, he received funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Italian Ministry of Research and Education. Before coming to King’s in January 2018 with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, he carried out different research projects at the Humboldt University of Berlin, which were funded by a Humboldt Postdoc Scholarship (2014), a Fritz Thyssen Foundation Fellowship (2014-16) and a Gerda Henkel Foundation Fellowship (2017). His dissertation, Verhandlungen mit Schiller, was awarded both the Ca’ Foscari Research Prize and the Ravicini-Preis für Arbeiten zur Trivialliteratur in 2015.

His research interests include: German Literature from the 18th Century to the Present, History and Literature, Law and Literature, Cultural Memory Studies, Translation Studies, Gender Studies and the dialectics between Highbrow and Lowbrow Culture

Theatre and Performance Publications

Research monograph

Verhandlungen mit Schiller. Historische Reflexion und literarische Verarbeitung des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert, Wehrhahn, Hannover 2015, 396 pp.

Editions of plays

Gerhard Anton von Halem, Wallenstein. Ein Schauspiel, ed. by Daniele Vecchiato, Wehrhahn, Hannover 2016, 120 pp. 

Urs Widmer, Top Dogs. Manager alla deriva, ed. by Daniele Vecchiato, Mimesis, Milano 2012, 128 pp.

Journal articles and book chapters

Ich bin Europa“. Der Diskurs um Populismus, Migration und nachnationale Identität in Falk Richters FEAR und Safe Places, in: „Colloquia Germanica“ [accepted, forthcoming].

Rhetorik des Widerspruchs und politische Dialektik in Schillers Fiesko und Wallenstein, in: Peter-André Alt / Stefanie Hundehege (eds.), Schillers Feste der Rhetorik, de Gruyter, Berlin 2020 [accepted, forthcoming].

Drammaturgie del potere nella tragedia schilleriana. I monologhi politici di Fiesco e Wallenstein, in: Tatiana Korneeva (ed.), Le voci arcane. Palcoscenici del potere nel teatro e nell’opera, Carocci, Roma 2018, pp. 119-133.

Wallenstein vor Schiller. Die literarische Darstellung des Generalissimus im späten 18. Jahrhundert, in: Birgit Emich / Dirk Niefanger / Georg Seiderer (eds.), Wallenstein. Mensch – Mythos – Memoria, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2018, pp. 319-335.

Eine „lächerliche Fratze“? Zur Bedeutung und Funktion des astrologischen Motivs in literarischen Wallenstein-Darstellungen des späten achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, in: „Jahrbuch der deutschen Schillergesellschaft“ 59 (2015), pp. 87-107

Der Dreißigjährige Krieg als transversales Thema. Schillers Wallenstein im Dialog mit der (Trivial-)Literatur des späten 18. Jahrhunderts, in: Anne Feler / Raymond Heitz / Gérard Laudin (eds.), Dynamik und Dialektik von Hoch- und Trivialliteratur im deutschsprachigen Raum im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert / Dynamique et dialectique des littératures ‹noble› et ‹triviale› dans les pays germanophones aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles – 1. Die Dramenproduktion / La production dramatique, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2015, pp. 161-180.
„Mein Fleisch is oisgetoischt af Geld!“ Riverberi shakespeariani e il corpo dell’ebreo orientale nell’opera Der Kaufmann von Berlin di Walter Mehring, in: „Il Confronto Letterario“ 56 (2011), pp. 305-333.

Daniele collaborated with CUT Shylock in Venice (www.cut.it) for the translation and performance of Urs Widmer’s Top Dogs in 2008/2009. He edited and published the Italian translation and was involved in public readings (and performances) with the author in Venice and Milan in 2012 and 2013. The play was then turned into a radio drama and is still staged in Italy and Italian-speaking Switzerland in Daniele’s translation.