Dr Craig Moyes

Craig Moyes est directeur du Centre for Quebec and French-Canadian Studies dans la School of Advanced Study à l’université de Londres. Il est également professeur à King’s College London où il enseigne les littératures française et québécoise. En 2012, il a publié Furetière’s Roman bourgeois and the Problem of Exchange: Titular Economies chez Legenda (Oxford). Avec Yves Gingras (UQAM), il a établi et présenté une édition de la correspondance secrète sur la sexualité humaine que Marcelle Gauvreau avait adressée au frère Marie-Victorin entre 1934 et 1944. Elle va paraître chez Boréal en septembre 2019.

Theatre and Performance Publications

Nov. 1-4, 2017: (CQFCS/KCL/BFI/University of Windsor) Four-day symposium/event on Expo67 (https://online.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/pdf/10.3828/jrs.2018.7)

Reinventing the Anatomy Theatre for Expo67: Robert Cordier, Montreal Medicine and the Atlantic Avant-garde
October 10, 2018  Steven Palmer (University of Windsor), Bush House SE Wing 2.10
A large-scale performance, including a café-concert and an interpretation/reimagining of the Health Pavilion’s ‘Meditheatre’ (see attached posters).. Co-hosted by The Centre for Quebec and French-Canadian Studies (IMLR, University of London) and followed by a wine reception. 

The centerpiece of the Health pavilion at the 1967 Montreal world’s fair was a work of avant-garde theatre and multi-screen cinema purporting to show the “Miracles of Modern Medicine”, as the show’s title had it. Conceived by the New York-based poet and theatre and film director, Robert Cordier, and shot by John Palmer, a young filmmaker who had shown Warhol how to adapt his project to cinema, “Miracles” was both a huge hit with audiences and a dizzying spectacle that made 20,000 faint while watching.  Craig Moyes gave a talk exploring how Cordier’s show reinvented for modern audiences a long-standing public and festive ritual that had been removed to the inner sanctums of medical schools and hospital surgery wards: the anatomy and surgery theatre. Craig explored the extraordinary avant-garde influences that went into the making of the show, as well as the enabling role of Montreal medical elites in its production.

March 25, 2019: (CQFCS/KCL) Ed Kemp (Rada) and Alexis Martin, ‘Theatre in Translation’

The Québécois playwright, director and actor, Alexis Martin and the British playwright, director and translator, Edward Kemp will explore the challenges – and joys – of ‘theatre in translation’, understood not only in the obvious linguistic sense of transposing a text from one language to another, but also in the cultural sense of moving a theatrical experience written and performed within one set of conventions and assumptions to a space governed by an entirely different set. Hosted by Craig Moyes, Director, CQFCS.